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The Alpha Twins' Possession
Meeting him
Rosalind's POV

"Your paycheck huh?" Ronny said to my breasts. I fought the urge to slap him across the face.

I didn't hate people. I might have been raised on the streets but I always kept an optimistic perspective. It was one thing they couldn't take from me.

But I hated Ronny. His sour breath, wandering fingers and most of all the derogatory way he treated all the women who worked for him like they were nothing but slabs of meat to be pawed at and treated as he pleased.

And that was before what happened.

"Yes, the paycheck that was due a week ago."

Ronny's eyes finally left my breasts to look me in the eye.

"No need to sound so stuck up, Rossy. Come into my shop let me find something for you."

He smacked his lips vulgarly and entered his shop.

That 'something' had better be my full paycheck or so help me Goddess, I would not be responsible for my actions.

Think of Bast. Think of Bast.

I followed him into the shop and let the door slam behind me even though it was the last thing I wanted. Bast needed this paycheck. I needed it.

Everyone knew Ronny here in the Northern District. Although infamous for his unscrupulous acts, he paid well especially if you were young and female. He was the harmless pervert that leered and talked dirty but didn't actually do anything.

Or so I thought.

"I hear the kid is coming down with something. That's why you've been taking on more jobs, eh?" Ronny's voice came from deep within the shop.

I paused.


"Found it."

Ronny came out to the foyer of his cavernous store, his big belly jiggling with every step. He held a pouch that sounded like it held far more bronze than I was owed.

"I was thinking we could come to some sort of agreement." He licked his sweaty upper lip.

I suddenly became conscious of the fact that I was alone in the shop of a wolf that was leagues stronger than the omega I was.

"What sort of agreement?" I took a cautious imperceptible step backwards.

He adjusted his crotch. Literally reached down and adjusted his crotch. I felt sick.

"One of a personal nature. You are a pretty stunning thing. A little bit on the skinny side but nothing I can't manage. You rub my back and I'll give you the money for the kid's treatment."

He was moving closer now, faster than I was able to back away. Caging me in.

"If you keep me happy, then you won't even need all those small jobs. I take care of my own."

"I… Thank you for the offer, Ronny. Let me think about it. I'll collect my pay now."

His black beady eyes narrowed.

"You think I'm stupid? This is not up for discussion. Did you think I have been giving you jobs all this time from the goodness of my heart? You had no problem collecting my money, did you think you would tease me forever?"

I was shocked by his words.

"What do you mean? I have worked hard every pay. Tease you? I have never–"

"Enough of all this talk."

He backhanded me across my face. I stumbled and he took advantage of my loss of balance. He yanked at the top of my dress, ripping it open so that my breasts were exposed to his hungry gaze.

I screamed trying to push him away. He barely budged pushing me onto his work table scattering some bales of expensive silk.

Despite my struggles and pleas, I felt him reach for my skirts, hiking them up.

He was going to rape me for a few bronzes. I wouldn't let my dignity be compromised like this and not to someone as despicable as Ronny.

I caught sight of gleaming silver in the bed of that silk. A scissors. A silver scissor. I relaxed my body like I had given up on fighting him back.

"Good girl. Just like that. Let Ronny take care of you."

I heard him work in the zippers of his pants, his belly pressing against me from behind.

I grasped the scissors and in one movement sliced open his cheek with the blade as I turned. He screamed cupping his bloody cheek.

"You bitch!"

I moved to grab the pouch of bronze to take my pay. It was my hard-earned money. Money earned doing menial jobs most people would balk at doing just to pay for Bast's drugs and our food.

Struggling day and night just for Ronny to pull this stunt.

His hand caught mine and he squeezed so hard that I heard my bones grind together and bit back a scream of pain.

"Let me go!" I demanded.

"You think you are too good for me right? A worthless omega like you?" Ronnie looked somehow even more menacing with the weeping line of red on his face. He grabbed my low ponytail tight. "After I'm done humiliating you, you will beg me to take you as a lover."

Omegas are the weakest of the weakest wolves. That's why I couldn't even fight back as he dragged me out of his shop. I clutched at my torn dress trying to keep myself decent.

He dragged me to the centre of the district's bazaar drawing a crowd of curious people. They murmured and looked between us as though trying to discern what was going on. Too late, I realized what he was planning on doing. Oh no.

He tossed me to the ground and I landed on my side.

"This whore stole from me! What is this world turning to now that a mere omega can rob her betters in the guise of trading sexual favors?!" Ronny shouted, his countenance dark.

If he made it known that I traded sexual favors and stole, no one in the Northern District bazaar would ever contract me for a job fearing that I had sticky fingers. Those that did would expect me to have sex with them first.

I would be out of jobs and a house to stay in.

The people were already pointing fingers and murmuring.


"I always knew she looked sketchy."

"I wonder how much she charges for a round."

"Nothing good can come of allowing omegas to mix with normal wolves."

"He lies!" I sat up quickly ignoring the pains in my body. "I didn't–"

My voice was cut off by Ronny who choked me, his thick fingers wrapped around my neck.

"Shut up! Tell me where my bronze is or I shall strip you naked and turn you over to the officials." His eyes gleamed with dark satisfaction.

He would do it anyway as payback for my fighting against his advances. He would kill me here with this crowd watching on dispassionately. I slapped against his arms, struggling against his grip as my vision swam.

Then suddenly he was gone and I could breathe again. I saw an outstretched hand, I took it and he pulled me up.

I looked up at my saviour. My heart stopped in my chest and the world slowed down and fell away leaving only both of us.

My saviour had dark hair that fell over his eyes and hazel eyes that looked like molten gold. His jawline was so chiselled and beautiful with the rest of his features that his looks defied logic. His aura was effortlessly dominant so much so that it was difficult to look him in the eye.

Yet I couldn't look away. I was unable to. He had bewitched me with a touch and a glance. He still held my hand but his other hand drifted to cup my cheek and the jolt from that touch went straight to my core.

"Are you alright?" His voice was soothing. It felt like coming home.

I nodded senselessly. He was here. Of course, I was alright. I was great. He took off his jacket. The colour and the insignia on the jacket practically screamed at me. There was something I was forgetting. Something important.

But I looked at his broad shoulders and the half-buttoned shirt beneath the jacket and promptly forgot again.

He draped the jacket over my shoulders covering my torn dress before tucking me beside himself, his arm around me as if to protect me from what? The world returned.

I realized the entire bazaar was quiet. So quiet you could have heard a pin drop. It was unnatural. Who was he to command this... fear and respect?

Ronny threw himself to my saviour's feet.

"My prince, how may I be of service?"

I froze in his grasp.

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