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Caught between the triplet alphas
Chapter one
"Way to go, alphas!". Lyna laughed, watching as the triplet struggled to catch their breath after running a thousand miles.

Lyna is the daughter of the beta of Dark moon pack, also the next in line beta of the future alphas. She has been training with Silas, Ezra and zayn for years now. Lyna has been living with them right from birth, since her mother passed away giving birth to her, causing her father to go into depression.

"H-how are you so energetic?". Ezra asked, still breathing heavily.

"She is alway making us feel like a woman". Zayn added.

"You three should be thankful I will be your beta!". She laughed, as she stuck her tongue out at them.

"Don't be so proud, we are just letting you win cause you're a lady, we don't want you crying to mother when we have you under us begging for mercy!". Silas smirks, folding his arm against his chest.

Of course, only he knew his words had different meanings than what he was implying.

"Me begging for mercy? Oh look who's talking now!". Lyra responded, tilting her head to the side.

"It's not like I won't beat you on the training field, just because you run faster doesn't make you stronger!". Silas said, refusing to accept defeat even though he knew he was no match for her unless the three of them join hands to fight her.

"You know you'll never beat us," Silas said, his eyes twinkling. "No matter how hard you try."

"Is that a challenge?" Lyna asked, her eyes narrowing.

"Yes!". Silas responded, his voice low and challenging.

"Say no more!". Lyra said, getting into the training field, packing her hair up in a ponytail.

His eyes darkened slightly as he watch her pack her hair up.

"Show me what you got, al-pha!". She smirks, calling his title mockingly.

Silas winked at his brother, getting into the field.

"You're going down, Lyra ," Silas said, a competitive glint in his eye. He cracked his knuckles and assumed a fighting stance.

Lyra laughed and did the same. "You're dreaming, Silas ," she said. "I'm going to wipe the floor with you."

With a cry of "Hah!" Silas lunged forward, swinging a punch at Lyra's head. She ducked and countered with a swift kick to his leg. Silas stumbled but quickly regained his balance and charged at her again.

Lyra dodged his next punch and darted in close, striking him in the stomach with her elbow. Silas grunted and staggered back, but recovered quickly and came at her again.

"Is that the best you got?". She mocked, charging at him again.

"Come on Silas, you've got this!". Ezra uttered, cheering him on.

"Nice of you to say while sitting there!". Silas yelled back, dodging a punch.

Lyra's eyebrows shot up in amusement, and she redoubled her efforts, throwing a series of punches and kicks at Silas. He blocked some, but others landed. Lyra was faster and more agile than he was, and he was starting to realise that he was in over his head.

Just then, Lyra feinted with a kick, and when Silas dodged it, she slipped behind him and swept his legs out from under him. He fell hard, landing on his back. Before he could get up, Lyra was on him, pinning him down.

"You were saying?". She mocked, pinning his hand behind him as she sat on him.

"Beginners luck!". He chuckled, relaxing on the floor.

"Beginner's luck, my ass," Lyra said, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Fine, you won!".

"Giving up already?" Lyra asked, a smile playing on her lips.

Silas glared up at her from behind, refusing to give in. "Never," he growled.

"Really?". Lyra smirks, applying pressure on his arm.

"I was just playing with you, shall we get into the real deal?". He smirked, his tone changed as he suddenly turned around, hitting her on the floor lightly.

He quickly pinned her hands above her head before she could retaliate.

Lyra let out a yelp of surprise, but quickly recovered. She grinned up at Silas, unperturbed by her new position. "I like the way you think," she said. "What's your next move?". She smirks, patiently waiting for him to slack off.

Silas returned her grin. "That's for me to know and you to find out," he said. He leaned down, his face inches from hers, and whispered, "You're going to have to work for it." He whispered, still pinning her hands up.

Lyra gushed down nervously, she wasn't supposed to be feeling this way but…. The way his face was close to hers, that she could feel his hot breath on her, making her think of things that weren't possible.

Silas licked his lips and his gaze shifted from her hazel eyes to her full rosy lips before returning to her.

"Silas," she whispered softly.

"I told you that you would beg for mercy," he murmured, lowering his face to her neck and growling as he tried to restrain himself.

A quiet moan slipped from Lyra's lips, causing Silas to stiffen and pull back slightly, his eyes filled with lust.

Lyra was frozen in terror.

"Lyra!". Silas called, staring at her.

Unable to say a word, Lyra pushed him off, and…. Ran off.

She could hear the others scolding Silas as she ran back to the pack house.
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