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Passion and Payback
Between Lies and Deceit
Anastasia's POV

The dance floor had been washed in shades of purple and the moving figures made a haze on the club's walls through the light's appearance. I gradually took a taste of the fluid in my glass and felt again the typical consuming sensation at the rear of my throat.

This was a night for her, my best friend Sofi's 25th birthday party. We had gathered here to mark the occasion, but the festive mood felt distant, almost surreal.

As the music pounded through the speakers, a man slipped into the seat next to me. He was unremarkable at first glance, dressed in a simple black jacket and jeans, his features shadowed by the faint lighting. He exuded a quiet calm, a presence that was easily overlooked but felt somehow significant.

"Quite the party," he said, nodding towards where Sofi and our friends were dancing. "Your friends?"

I took another sip of my drink. "Yes, it's Sofi's birthday," I replied, keeping my tone neutral.

He smiled, gently "Happy birthday to her. Looks like she's having a great time."

"Yeah," I muttered, looking back at the dance floor.

"You seem a bit out of place here. Not a fan of clubs?" he asked, his voice calm and unintrusive.

I shrugged. "Just here for my friend."

He nodded, not asking more questions. "Sometimes, the best parts of parties are the quiet moments. Mind if I stay for a bit?"

I hesitated, then gave a slight nod. "Sure, why not."

We sat quietly for a while, watching the lights and people dancing. Then he spoke again, sounding thoughtful. "You know, sometimes the best moments at a party happen when it's quiet, away from all the noise."

I glanced at him, curious. "What do you mean?

"He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. "Just that sometimes, the best connections happen in the quieter spaces, away from the noise."

I looked back at Sofi and our friends, feeling the weight of his words. "Yeah, maybe you're right."

Before the conversation could go any deeper, he leaned in slightly, his expression earnest. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, his voice low and gentle

He reeked of money and entitlement but I wasn't in the mood for another round of drinks and unnecessary chit-chat. "No, thank you," I snapped and focused on the dancing area where Sofi was laughing and spinning with Cassie and Mel. The four of us had been friends since college, admittedly, I don't know how I ended up with a circle of extroverted people. Probably karma.

I wanted to enjoy the night for Sofia's sake, but the energy around me felt suffocating.

Undeterred by my dismissal, the man continued, leaning in closer. "Oh, come on," he insisted like a used car salesman who wouldn't take no for an answer.

Great, now I am stuck with Mr persistent. What a night this was turning out.

"I'm married," I stated flatly, holding up my hand to display the wedding ring, hoping he would relent. His expression didn't change, but I noticed a flicker of recognition in his eyes.

"It's just a drink. No harm in that, right?" he said, undeterred.

I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to our group chat: *Leaving early. Need some air. Love you all.* I turned my gaze back to the stranger "I'm really not interested," I replied, this time with a firmer tone. "Please, just leave me alone."

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say another word, I grabbed my bag and stood up. "Excuse me," I said, brushing past him. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away, the tension of the encounter remaining in the air.

As I made my way through the crowded club, almost immediately, my phone started pinging as replies started pouring in.

Cassie: You okay? Want me to come with you?

Anastasia; No darling.

Melissa: Are you alright, hun?

Anastasia: Yes, continue partying, don't let me ruin your night!

Soph: Take care, babe! Call me if you need anything.

Their concern warmed my heart, but I needed to be alone, to process the disquieting encounter with the stranger and the suffocating atmosphere of the club. Plus, I had pending office work to complete during the weekend and it's getting late.

Blake's POV

I settled into the plush armchair of the second lounge of the club, swirling the amber liquid in my glass. I was swimming in my thoughts. Cheating on Ana isn't something I like doing, she is my wife, and she is meant to be my companion but I can't seem to see her that way. More like, I don't treat her that way, but it became necessary.

My heart is weighty with longing and regret. We used to be inseparable, sharing dreams and aspirations. But now, our marriage felt like a facade I struggled to maintain. When my lover slid into the seat beside me, her presence brought a rush of excitement influenced by guilt. She was my escape, a reprieve from the complexities of my life.

"You look distracted tonight," she remarked, her voice teasing. "Thinking about someone?"

I shook my head, a forced smile playing on my lips. "Just work stuff," I lied, staying away from her knowing look. I couldn't bring myself to admit the truth-that my contemplations were consumed by Anastasia, by the life we had built together and the distance that had grown between us.

Anastasia's father and my father had been companions starting from the start of their primary school years. We had an arranged marriage because of the relationship between our dads. Anastasia is the type of wife every man would wish to have but, I can't seem to relate with her as a normal couple or share any secrets with her even after almost three years.

The contrast between them was stark-Anastasia, the woman I had vowed to cherish, and my lover, a forbidden thrill I couldn't resist.

Our marriage had its own purpose for me. I knew it wouldn't last but I did not expect it to unravel soon.

My lover noticed my hesitation, her fingers trailing lightly down my arm. "Stay with me tonight," she murmured, her breath warm against my ear. She gradually strokes my face carrying my lips to hers.
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