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Bought a Pregnancy Test for His Ex
Chapter 1
My husband, Krish Avila, and I were college classmates. To win him over, I devoted two years of relentless effort-bringing him breakfast and showing up wherever he was, just so he could see me when he needed someone.

People said I was foolish; how could a girl pursue a guy so humbly, especially when Krish had nothing but his handsome face?

But I still liked him, and eventually, during our senior year, he finally accepted my pursuit.

After graduation, he embarked on his entrepreneurial journey.

To ensure he could focus entirely on work, I gave up a lucrative job offer and moved into his rented single room, becoming Mrs. Avila.

I took care of his daily needs and joined his company, working tirelessly for him.

Five years later, he succeeded in his business, and we transformed from being impoverished to wealthy.

People only praised me for making the right choice, unaware of what I had sacrificed.

That night, I couldn't sleep again due to back pain.

A few years ago, when Krish's company was short-staffed, I took on a lot of physically demanding work to save money, which left me with severe aftereffects, including back injuries.

No matter how advanced the treatments were, there were several days each month when I would be in so much pain that I couldn't sleep, staying awake until dawn.

Looking at the handsome man peacefully sleeping beside me, my heart felt empty.

Over the years, Krish's attention towards me had diminished significantly; work occupied most of his time.

Today is my birthday, yet past midnight, I hadn't received a single long-awaited "Happy Birthday."

Lost in thought, his phone on the table lit up.

Worried it might be something important, I opened his phone to take a look since he was sleeping so soundly.

It was a shipping notification.

Seeing the familiar brand, my heart surged with joy, thinking it was a surprise gift for me.

This brand's bag is worth hundreds of thousands, but I had never dared to buy one.

However, my heart sank when I looked at his shopping app.

The shipping address was not our home, and the recipient was not me.

The recipient was Elsie, his ex-girlfriend, his beloved white moonlight.

Shaking, I scrolled through all his purchase records, feeling as if I was about to drown in suffocation.

After graduating from college, Krish was moved by my unwavering dedication. After I moved into his rented room, he got our marriage certificate.

At that time, he couldn't even afford a ring, and aside from the marriage certificate, I received nothing.

It had been five years, and we had everything, yet he had never bought me a gift.

What he hadn't given me, he had given to another woman.

For a whole five years, Krish had been sending gifts to Elsie.

During the most challenging times of our startup, when we could only eat steamed buns for every meal, he never forgot to take half his savings to buy Elsie a gold necklace.

This year, he even gifted her jewelry and bags worth millions.

In five years, I hadn't even received a bouquet of flowers, while Elsie received countless gifts I could only dream of.

What have I been in these five years of marriage?

Tears streamed down my face, hitting his phone screen.

Looking at Krish's sleeping face, I suddenly felt he was a stranger.

In addition to the shopping app, I instinctively opened other apps.

On a food delivery app, I saw a delivery notification for a pregnancy test, and I felt dizzy.

It was as if my world had plunged into eternal darkness.


I called him in an unnaturally calm voice.

Even I didn't know why I felt so calm at that moment.

He slept soundly.


I called him again.

He still slept deeply.

Perhaps to him, I posed no threat; after all, I had always been obedient to him.

How ridiculous.

I laughed while tears fell.

Since Krish bought gifts for that person, he must be seeing her.

I thought, seeing is believing; I had to see for myself whether my husband was cheating.
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