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A Baby For Billionaire Knox
Ebunoluwa Ademide Completed
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His hands covered her. "You are so beautiful." Knox said with his eyes on her just studying her body. "Knox...I think we...shouldn't..." Eretia paused. "Do you want me to stop?" Knox asked. Eretia stared at him. "Why do this?" "I want you to have a desire to comeback here when you return to your world." Knox answered with sincerity in his tone. "But—" He brushed his mouth against hers cutting off her intended words. "This is your first right? Or am I wrong?" He asked amidst kisses. ... Meet Knox Martins, a billionaire and who also happens to be a big time celebrity. You see, Knox Martins is stone-headed and cold-hearted. He hates to hear the word "love." He despises his mother for just one reason - he believes that she killed his father even though he had crashed in a plane that had killed a thousand of people. Eretia, a mermaid, a lady of the ocean who has special singing powers that is enough to hear the words of the sea. She washes up to the shore of a sea, injured and alone - far away from home. She is found by a young surgeon who is kind enough to bring her into his home. And soon enough, Knox Martins meets Eretia who happens to be a hired maid by his mom after she makes a deal to reconcile both mother and son. Will the relationship between the earth and the sea ever get the chance to bloom? Or will it whither away when they are apart in their separate worlds. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 65 Chapters
A Baby For Billionaire Knox EPISODE Epilogue: A new adventure
IN THE NEW WORLD Eretia pressed the doorbell outside Knox's home. The door opened and a lady with a blond hair smiled at her. "Who are you?" The lad
A Baby For Billionaire Knox EPISODE SIXTY FOUR
THEME: A first sex FLASHBACK "Maybe you just thought that was what I was thinking because that's what you were thinking." Knox said without missing
A Baby For Billionaire Knox EPISODE SIXTY THREE
THEME: Last day on earth THREE DAYS LATER Eretia sat up all cuddled in Knox's arms by the sea. It was time to say goodbye to Knox Martins. She had
A Baby For Billionaire Knox EPISODE SIXTY TWO
THEME: Last time with the Scott TWO DAYS LATER SAINT PETER HOSPITAL Knox Martins sat on the bed in a private ward. He scooted forward and grabbed E
A Baby For Billionaire Knox EPISODE SIXTY ONE
THEME: Vins Bond SAINT PETER HOSPITAL Oliver Scott stepped out of the ward and stood in front of Knox. "What happened to Eretia?" He asked. "I don'
A Baby For Billionaire Knox EPISODE SIXTY
THEME: A living dead SAINT PETER HOSPITAL Oliver Scott stood outside the ward. He watched in stunned silence as Knox Martins held Eretia tightly to
A Baby For Billionaire Knox EPISODE FIFTY NINE
THEME: Don't die on me "Eretia!" Knox Martins screamed as he bounded up the stairs into his home. And his heart broke into pieces when he saw Eretia
A Baby For Billionaire Knox EPISODE FIFTY EIGHT
THEME: A fugitive FLASHBACK GOLD MYNES MODELLING AGENCY "I can't find her around." Vins said over the phone as his eyes searched the hall filled wi
A Baby For Billionaire Knox EPISODE FIFTY SEVEN
THEME: Save me KNOX BEACH HOUSE It was already late afternoon when she got back to the sea shore. Eretia wanted to change, clean up and prepare din
A Baby For Billionaire Knox EPISODE FIFTY SIX
THEME: A song to the sea SATURDAY MORNING Eretia opened her eyes and saw Knox sitting beside her, drinking an orange juice. "Good morning, I got yo
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