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A King Reborn in Shadows
Dylan Porter Ongoing
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A solitary island prison, with only one prisoner being held, yet requiring a hundred thousand guards to watch over him. Today, he is released! ...
Latest Chapters Contents 369 Chapters
A King Reborn in Shadows Chapter 572: The Stewart Family's World Collapses
Flynn stood still, staring coldly at Cristina. His gaze was deep and indifferent, as if he could see right through one's soul. In the moment their ey
A King Reborn in Shadows Chapter 571: A Hundred Million Can't Buy This Face
"You're disheartened? You count for nothing! Just a nobody like Niarak, yet acting all high and mighty." "Stop spouting nonsense, it would be more re
A King Reborn in Shadows Chapter 570: Mr. Spencer's Actions Chill My Heart
"Mr. Spencer, this thug is too arrogant. You must stand up for us!" someone pleaded. "That guy even said that not even you or Jesus could stop him. H
A King Reborn in Shadows Chapter 569: The Spencer Family Is Too Weak
Margot could hardly believe it as she asked, "Young Master Stewart, can the Stewart family really speak with the Spencer family?" Her daughter had be
A King Reborn in Shadows Chapter 568: Following Mr. Clark's Instructions Faithfully
Bobby, with a proud look on his face, seemed like a deity in the heavens at that moment, capable of claiming Flynn's life with just a flick of his fin
A King Reborn in Shadows Chapter 567: Isn't banning him just a matter of saying it?
"Orion banned Mr. McGuire, and Young Master Stewart directly banned Orion-so domineering!" "Across the Shipmeda State, how many can get Mr. Sheppard
A King Reborn in Shadows Chapter 566: Flynn is the Synonym for Tyrant
After chastising Thaddeus, Travis hardly paused, immediately taking him away from the Stewart Residence. They came and went like a whirlwind, sweepin
A King Reborn in Shadows Chapter 565: You Want Me to Come Over and Apologize?
"Flynn, if you dare touch me, I swear... Ah... my teeth..." Thaddeus's screams echoed. "You always think you're above everyone else, like a god who
A King Reborn in Shadows Chapter 564: Free Supply of Orco Real Estate Raw Materials
Cristina scoffed repeatedly, mocking: "He just said he was going to call Mr. Richardson, and I almost believed him." "He doesn't even have the numbe
A King Reborn in Shadows Chapter 563: Young Master Stewart's Word is the Truth!
Flynn kicked Rodrigo so hard that it nearly cost him half his life, the incident so sudden that the room fell deathly silent. How dare this man raise
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