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A Night With The King
Bora Ongoing
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A child out of wedlock and worst of all, the child belongs to the ruling king. Sophia as a palace maid and one night, the king got too drunk, and she had been cleaning up for him when he kissed her and they ended up in bed together, the king seemed not to remember what happened between them and so she tired to forget it too but fate choose not to let her forget when she found out she was pregnant. She knew she can't have the baby if they find out whose child it was and she didn't want to abort her child. Will she be able to keep her child father's identity a secret or while the king remember what happened between them? ...
Latest Chapters Contents 50 Chapters
A Night With The King Chapter 120
The woman who was no longer isolated has become one of the important people to Sophie who saw her as a mother figure and the older woman treated her l
A Night With The King Chapter 119
The next month pretty much went faster than Sophie could have imagined. There was so much to prepare for their wedding and everyone was busy. She didn
A Night With The King Chapter 118
Everyone in the room listened to her. Lance saw the look of admiration and respect that the elders had regarded her with after she finished talking to
A Night With The King Chapter 117
"Why am I stuck here with you when I could be with my woman in bed already, it is way past nine pm," Lance complained, throwing the files he had on t
A Night With The King Chapter 116
The best part of everything was that they listened to her with interest, which made it easy for her to speak with more confidence, she didn't even thi
A Night With The King Chapter 115
Sophie opened her eyes and smiled brightly when she felt the weight of her favorite person on her, even though she was so big with their daughter now,
A Night With The King Chapter 114
Having Sophie back in his arms and his life where she belonged gave Lancelot so much peace but he knew that peace would not be complete until he did t
A Night With The King Chapter 113
"From everything that we checked, the baby is okay even though she was a little in distress earlier, we will prescribe a new medication and advise you
A Night With The King Chapter 112
"I am sorry that I doubted you," Sophie whispered. "Don't say sorry anymore, okay? All I want is for you to trust me from now on, I got us, I got ou
A Night With The King Chapter 111
Sophie woke up in fear, she opened her eyes and was ready to jump out of the bed, felt a hand around her and wiped her eyes to the right, she let out
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