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A wolf heart
cendrillon1996 Completed
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When the wolves were created they were created without a soul, animals, killer machines, ones that go on killing spree with nothing to hold them back. The gods regretted their decision to create the wolves, they were rogue, they had no loyalties, nothing to stop them from burning the whole world, they needed a soul. The gods couldn't give the wolves a soul, they refused to kneel down, and their souls were as dark as their dark lusts. The gods forced the wolves to their knees, giving them souls in the shape of humans, kill the soul and die, hurt the soul and feel agony, the souls are to be saved, and protected, no more killing, no more attacks, they are forced to take care of their own soul. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 89 Chapters
A wolf heart Eighty-nine.
Stella POV. "Are you even trying? You're worse than your mother," my uncle offends me, or maybe I shouldn't be offended. "Mention mom again and I'm
A wolf heart Eighty-eight.
Scott POV. "Don't you dare," the guy says looking at me with hate and fury in his eyes, he had red eyes, the first and most obvious sign of being evi
A wolf heart Eighty-seven.
Scotty POV. "I hate them both," she whines, she wants to go to work with me, and although I loved her, I didn't like taking her to work with me, my j
A wolf heart Eighty-six.
Milo POV. She's going to give us a hard time, no she's going to show us what hard time is, she's a spoiled girl, of course, she's spoiled, she got tw
A wolf heart Eighty-five.
Stella POV. "But Milo and James said that I'm too young to do that," I say with a pout, I can't shift, and I can't reject him unless if I shift, and
A wolf heart Eighty-four.
Stella POV. 'Stella, I need you to run,' James says in my head, trying to get me to move, but the fear was stronger than his order, I stayed where I
A wolf heart Eighty-three.
Stella POV. "I love you, I love you, oh my god, I love you so much," Scotty says, hugging and kissing my face all over, I blushed and tried to hide m
A wolf heart Eighty-two.
James POV. We got our asses kicked, we got our asses kicked, how could that happen? We're two alphas and one of the best enforcers in the pack, and w
A wolf heart Eighty-one.
Stella POV. He was driving to the place that the radio told us to get to, I looked around, this looks like just a road, what did the wolves do to get
A wolf heart Eighty.
Stella POV. "When did you become his girlfriend?" a girl asks me, since she met me and she's been giving me this cold look, this ice cold stare. "Af
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