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After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss!
XiTian Ongoing
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Lady Teresa, First Miss of the Carters family, who had been long lost, had been found again. Therefore, she quickly regained endless favor from her parents and brothers. On the other hand, Second Miss, Lady Suzy, who had been extremely glorious before, was exposed as not the biological daughter of the Carters family. Therefore, Lady Suzy broke off her relationship with the Carters family and withdrew from the entertainment circle. Everyone was waiting to see how Lady Suzy would make a fool of herself but in the end... Suzy Carters had bought over the Starlight Pictures and groomed many top-notch artists! She became the most beloved woman overnight: Previously, the Best Actor expressed his love for her on Twitter, and then the Top idol confessed his love to her at a concert... Evan Hughes, the CEO of the Hughes Group, panicked and immediately announced, "Thanks for your attention, but Suzy Carters is my girlfriend." Everyone was shocked! The rich and powerful families came to play up to win Suzy"s favor; Suzy"s five biological uncles spoiled her without any limits... Ironically, Suzy"s adoptive parents and brothers also took turns regretfully begging her to go home... Since too many want to snatch his sweet girlfriend away, what a big unsolved dilemma for Mr. Hughes! Without saying a word, Mr. Hughes took his girlfriend Suzy to get married overnight. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 369 Chapters
After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss! Chapter 369 Farewell from now on
"I'll go back with you." "Really?" Suzy Carters was a little surprised. Evan Hughes nodded. "I won't lie to you." "That's great." Suzy Carters corn
After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss! Chapter 368 Nowhere to pursue
Suzy Carters nodded, her throat still sore, but she was able to speak. "It's a stranger, I don't know him." Evan Hughes nodded and gently coaxed her.
After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss! Chapter 367 Strange conditions
Suddenly a person sat in front of Suzy Carters, interrupting Suzy Carters" rare silence at the moment. "Why are you here alone?" Suzy Carters looked
After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss! Chapter 366 My name is Changan
Qi Yue smiled and seemed to feel very beautiful. "She is very nice and the best person in the world, but ... I don't deserve it." "That's really stra
After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss! Chapter 365 Strange boy
Evan Hughes raised his eyebrows. "Is there no reward?" Suzy Carters gave him a look, and of course she knew what he wanted, so she gave him a kiss on
After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss! Chapter 364 Everything will be clear.
"He and I are brothers, don't meet even can't say a word? What kind of logic is this? I really don't understand. " Watching Michael Carters still kee
After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss! Chapter 363 They are three.
In the morning, Suzy Carters sat between Evan Hughes and Li Shuci. Looking at the celery dish on the table, Suzy Carters reached out and put a piece
After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss! Chapter 362 Dad loves you very much.
"If I hadn't done something stupid, he wouldn't have thought I betrayed him, so everything he did was actually understandable, right?" Being watched
After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss! Chapter 361 A promise to lock for life.
"Yes, it's fine." Mr. Old Smith nodded with satisfaction. "It's also something that Grandpa wants to see you two together, but it's better not to live
After My Rebirth, I Became the Beloved Sweetheart of the Big Boss! Chapter 360 Love is like a cloud.
From then on, there will be no more cheating, only they will always love each other like this. That night, Li Shuci didn't occupy Suzy Carters as he
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