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Alpha Adryan
Naomi Jordan Completed
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"Not all monsters do monstrous things" --Jade Estrada "What are you doing in my territory, rogue?" He spits out the word 'rogue' which makes me flinch back and causes my wolf to whine again. "I-I didn't-t kn-now tha-t I-I wa-s trespassing-g on your ter-ri-tory." I stutter out in fear. "What's your name, mate?" He asked me. "J-Jade." I reply. "Look at me." he grits out and the sound of clenching of his jaw doesn't go unnoticed by me. I shake my head side to side as tears leave my eyes, trailing down my face in a fast motion. "Look at me when I talk to you, mate." he growls out throatily. "I-I can't." I yet again stutter my words out and my words seem to anger him as his hold on my chin almost becomes painful to the extent of breaking skin. I whimper out in pain. "Why?" he viciously growls out and which almost makes me take a step back in fear, but I stay rooted to the spot. "I'm b-blind." I say and his painful grip leaves my face. ***** Jade has been blind since birth, surrounded by a loving pack and parents just happen to be the Alpha and Luna of The Evergreen Forest Pack. So, what happens when a rogue attack kills her family and Jade escapes and accidentally crosses The Blood Moon Pack Territory known to be led by the cruel, vicious, and heartless Alpha Adryan Romano who just so happens to be her mate? What happens when Jade comes to know that her mate doesn't want her but doesn't reject her for his own selfish reasons, throw into the mix a blonde-haired mistress? Enter Adryan's crazy half-brother who is obsessed with Jade and would do anything to make her his. A lot of drama unfolds, new enemies are made so are new friends, new problems arise. A war is declared. Read and find out what happens to Jade and Adryan in 'Alpha Adryan'. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 67 Chapters
Alpha Adryan sixty five
"Darius" A voice roared, "You better come back here boy".  A ten-year-old boy slammed a door open, he looked like he was running away from something,
Alpha Adryan sixty four
1 year later Head tilted toward the sky with her eyes closed, Jade feels the cool wind blow around her, brushing her skin ever so softly, as the firs
Alpha Adryan sixty three
Flashback (5 years ago) Jade's eyes felt like someone had clued them together, her head was pounding as she sat up, and she could smell the burnt sme
Alpha Adryan sixty two
It was a quiet day, the wind howled moving the curtains back and forth with its powerful blows, and not soon after it started raining, Jade watched fr
Alpha Adryan sixty one
A wooden chair flies across the room full force and collides with the wall causing it to break on impact. The people in the room gulped with widened e
Alpha Adryan sixty
Two weeks passed by without Jade seeing him, she ate her breakfast, lunch and dinner in her room, she didn't join him like she did the first time duri
Alpha Adryan fifty nine
Meanwhile at the werewolf committee Adryan felt like he was at his wit's end. It's been four weeks since he left his pack. Four weeks since he saw hi
Alpha Adryan fifty eight
She moans in pain as she sits upright on the bed. It took her a few minutes to collect her bearings, at first she thought that someone had struck her
Alpha Adryan fifty seven
"Say bye, Adonis" Jade says as she holds Adonis in her arms. Who had tear streaks on his face from crying, the moment he saw Adryan getting into the c
Alpha Adryan fifty six
Jade carries the pile of books in her hands, as she walks towards the house from the pack library. Opening the front door, she realizes that everythin
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