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Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia
Ed Sundersen Ongoing
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Rosana Marcello was already living the life she had dreamt about. With her boyfriend-turned-fiance by her side, nothing could be more perfect. Some weeks before the wedding, she was called back home by her parents and welcomed with devastating news. She had been betrothed since when she was a little girl but never knew. Now, he has come to claim what is rightfully his. With or without her approval. Rosana can't escape this. She can't run away from him because he will comb the world and kill everyone in it, just to find her. She is now his possession, his property. It's either she tames him and melts his cold heart or he breaks her into a thousand pieces. Will she succeed or get consumed by his burning hell? •••[Excerpt]••• "Stop... Stop!" Rosana's voice quivered and tears of fright brimmed her vision. She had been crying for hours, but not because she was finally married to her betrothed. Not because she was leaving the beautiful life she had planned with her fiancé behind. She was crying because she witnessed a person being murdered for the first time in her life. Right in front of her, her newly wedded husband had tortured and murdered a man mercilessly on their wedding night. "Stop, please..." He ignored her. "No... Stop touching me. Take your bloody hands off me!" Indeed, his hands were covered with the blood of the man he had killed earlier. His white shirt was stained too and there were prints of blood on his face. But he didn't care. "What did you just say?" He paused and looked down at her with dark metallic eyes. "S... Stop touching me!" He grabbed her neck and she gasped, her eyes widening in shock. That was the last thing she expected him to do. "You shouldn't make me do this on our wedding night, Bambolina. You are mine and I will take whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want, and however I want, till death do us part, Mi Amor" ...
MafiaPossessiveArranged MarriageUrbanBillionaire
Latest Chapters Contents 100 Chapters
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia Chapter 100
Rosana alighted the car and walked inside the mansion. Unlike the other days, she was happy because she finally got to share the problems that had bee
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia Chapter 99
On hearing her words, a smile ghosted his lips. She had finally accepted that he was her man and there was no going back. "As you know, my beloved br
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia Chapter 98
Sergio stared at her with his signature poker face, his hands slowly unclenching beside him. His metallic blue eyes were unfeeling and cold as ever, m
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia Chapter 97
Rosana wasn't even aware of the tension that had suddenly formed in the air. Her only focus was on him, The Ruthless Sergio De Niro, the man she had u
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia Chapter 96
"Allen!" No, it couldn't be, she said to herself before asking the question that had popped into her mind the moment she saw him. "What are you doing
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia Chapter 95
Metallic blue eyes glittered against his tanned skin, and his inky black hair looked like silk gleaming under the light. Over the past week, Rosana ha
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia Chapter 94
"Hey, um... Good morning" Rosana's little voice broke in and Sergio turned around to find her already dressed for work. "I am leaving for work." "Wit
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia Chapter 93
??? UNITED STATES OF AMERICA??? Lucretia looked at her reflection in the mirror and saw a version of herself that had been long buried. Instead of th
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia Chapter 92
Rosana could only stare at the tiny bump on her stomach as prolonged and general silence followed. Then the shock snatched the air from her lungs, as
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia Chapter 91
Lucretia woke up with a beautiful smile on her face and proceeded to take a shower. That was one of the few mornings she woke up feeling extremely hap
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