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Bounty Hunter
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"Don't you get it, my little flower? I own every bit of you. Every. Single. Bit. Anyone who looks at you, I'll pluck off their eyes. Anyone who touches you, I'll cut off their hands. Anyone who breaths the same air as you, I'll cut off their nose..." I watch a sinister smile make its way to his face as he spoke, his hold on my neck tightened, making it difficult for me to breath. "Now, be a good girl Zinnia..." ...
MafiaPossessiveBillionaireSad loveRomance
Latest Chapters Contents 38 Chapters
Bounty Hunter Panic attack
Reed Zinnia was sleeping peacefully, or as peacefully as one can after enduring the nightmare she had. The room was dimly lit by a small bedside lamp
Bounty Hunter Conscious
Reed The room was quiet except for the rhythmic beep of the monitors. Zinnia lay motionless, her face pale against the white sheets. I sat by her bed
Bounty Hunter free at last
Reed The dungeon was a claustrophobic, dank chamber, suffused with an almost palpable sense of dread. The air, thick with the stench of mildew and de
Bounty Hunter the dungeons
Reed The Bull had been kind enough to provide us with his men for the stake out at Roman's island. While I was still in shock at the fact that Roman
Bounty Hunter An exchange
Reed "I might have some information on Zinnia's whereabouts," Hermine storms into my study, forcing my gaze on hers. Excitement glittered in her eyes
Bounty Hunter Perish
Zinnia Mumbles, light laugher and sobs filled the room, though, to me, they seemed like a distant echo. My blurry eyes could hardly phantom all the m
Bounty Hunter Taken back
Zinnia Will drags me back inside, this time, through another route different from what Bethel and I escaped from. I screamed and kicked my feet in th
Bounty Hunter Loss of an acquaintance
Zinnia Bethel and I were not friends. I would say the right word to describe what we have is "acquaintance through a wall". So, I shouldn't have expe
Bounty Hunter Free
Zinnia "Psst! Zinnia. Can you hear me?" I hear a voice in my subconscious. Perhaps I'm dreaming. Or, I'd finally crossed the line between life and th
Bounty Hunter Last breath
Zinnia Cold water splashes against my bruised naked body, making me jolt from the floor. I screamed and shivered, folding my hands over my trembling
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