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Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife
Aysel inara Completed
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Nathalie Lancaster married mysterious Lucas to inherit her rightful wealth. Whereas Lucas Petrakis, the bad boy yet doting husband has only one aim now. He wants her heart and desires to claim Nathalie's body! "Where did he touch you? I want a truthful answer, Nathalie. Did he touch you here?" Lucas traced his knuckles gently on her cheek with an assertive aura. How could he bear that his wife went to meet her ex for some reason!? "Or did he touch you here?" Nathalie gasped when he slipped his hand between her thighs. She bit her lip as tears crawled over her cheek. ...
BadboyMarriageBillionaireRomanceCute Baby
Latest Chapters Contents 148 Chapters
Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife Happily ever after
As the paramedics wheeled her out to the ambulance, Lucas and Mister Petrakis followed closely, their expressions resolute. They were ready to face wh
Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife Fixing things
He watched her sleep, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her arm. The serene expression on her face brought him a sense of calm and purpose. He ha
Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife Talk to Kaya/Elle
Lucas took her home and Nathalie confronted him while making sure he would tell her truth this time. Lucas admitted to having no affair with Elle/Kaya
Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife Lucas came for her
Lucas parked his car in front of the abandoned house. Emerging back into the main part of the house, Lucas took a deep breath, the stale air feeling s
Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife Sandro and Nathalie
Nathalie sat in the dimly lit lounge, a delicate porcelain teacup cradled in her hands. The gentle clink of the cup meeting its saucer was the only so
Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife Magnet for trouble
Sandro's knuckles turned white as he tightened his grip around the steering wheel, his jaw set in a firm line. The road stretched out before them, ill
Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife Whose child?
The street lamps flickered weakly in the evening, casting sporadic pools of light on the quiet road as Nathalie leaned heavily on Sandro's arm. Her st
Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife Sandro's truth
As Alessandro gently wheeled Nathalie out of the hospital, the crisp evening air felt refreshing against her skin after the sterile confines of the me
Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife Lucas with Kaya
The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sprawling estate as Alessandro made his way back home. The air was filled with the sub
Contract Marriage With My Billionaire Wife Men's fight
The grand manor house hall was bathed in the soft, eerie glow of moonlight streaming in through the tall windows. The walls were adorned with priceles
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