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Credited To The Mafia Lord
Sirenlee Completed
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At St. Monarch’s Academy, you’re either a predator, a pawn, or prey. It’s the only neutral territory where heirs of the wealthiest rival crime families learn underworld skills. Alliances are made. Loyalty is owned. Love is taken. Damien As the best protector in training, I will be paired with the top assassin. Because I’m unbeatable, everyone fears me. Even her, Winter, Mafia Princess of the Hemsley family. Every time she looks at me with fear in her eyes, desire burns through my body. When she doesn’t back down, it only makes exhilaration rush through my veins. Training with Winter comes at a price. The more time I spend with her, the more I want to claim her for myself. When blood is shed, it’s up to me to protect Winter, and it places her at my mercy. Perfect for a predator like me. But there’s a price to pay for my protection, and the only payment I’ll accept is her body, heart, and soul. Winter I’ll show everyone I’m a threat, and they will fear me. For my family. I have to protect them. The second I hear the name Damien Vetrov I know I’m in trouble. He’s an arrogant Russian God. Only, I have zero intention of bowing to him. Ever. Attractive and lethal. He’s such an intoxicating mixture. Every second we spend together, the pull between us becomes stronger, and my fear grows. While my body wants him, my head knows better. He has the power to kill my family. But when blood is shed, I’m forced to depend on Damien for my life. Being at his mercy, whether he’ll kill me or protect me, is still up for debate. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 123 Chapters
Credited To The Mafia Lord 123
Epilogue DEMITRI Four years later… "Just look at that cock," I say proudly, pointing at my newborn son's penis. "He takes after me." Alexei frowns
Credited To The Mafia Lord 122
Chapter 35 DEMITRI Ariana and I spent a week on the island, getting to know each other more in-depth before stopping in Seattle to get her clothes.
Credited To The Mafia Lord 121
Chapter 34 DEMITRI "You're angry?" Ariana asks. "Why? I left you to keep you safe. You should be thanking me!" Placing both my hands on her crimson
Credited To The Mafia Lord 120
Chapter 33 ARIANA Coming to, it feels like I've been run over by a freight train. I let out a groan, and turning onto my side, the bed smells like a
Credited To The Mafia Lord 119
Chapter 32 ARIANA It's been a week since I've last heard from Demitri. The heartache grows with every passing day, and I miss him so much it's hard
Credited To The Mafia Lord 118
Chapter 31 ARIANA Sitting down, I strap the seat belt over my lap, and then I wrap my arms around myself as the first sob tears through me. God, it
Credited To The Mafia Lord 117
Chapter 30 ARIANA Demitri closes the distance between us with two quick strides, and then his hands frame my face, and he leans into me. I see the
Credited To The Mafia Lord 116
Chapter 29 ARIANA I only managed to keep Demitri in bed another day, and then he wouldn't have any of it no matter what I said. Holy crap, he's a d
Credited To The Mafia Lord 115
Chapter 28 ARIANA The sun has come up and set again, and even though the doctor said Demitri's out of the woods, it doesn't feel that way. Alexei's
Credited To The Mafia Lord 114
Chapter 27 ARIANA My ears ring. The sound is deafening. My eyes are locked on Demitri, the blood darkening his shirt. I can't register it. I'm su
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