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Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder
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"Do you have what it takes to make me fall for you, ever?" Aria smirked at Dalton, whose eyes were blazing with so much anger. His strong willed principles, were no match to her inducing and alluring skills. I will have you, and I will melt your heart," he gritted his teeth angrily. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aria had been beaten and maltreated by the husband's family, and she took every pain without complaining even when her husband overlooked the fact. Her life had taken a painful turn, the moment she was married into the most powerful and wealthy home, of the Millers through an arranged marriage for years. One sudden morning, everything changed and everyone soon came at her mercy. Why she was like that and where she gained the power from? They knew not. Not when shocking incidents keeps happening that were meant to claim lives. ...
RevengeBillionaireCEORomanceArranged Marriage
Latest Chapters Contents 115 Chapters
Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder Long long end
New Orleans Grand Isle "Getting so occupied with Adriana has made me so busy. I will meet you at the event," Ariana apologized to her sister on the
Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder A leap of hope
Italy Milan Leased vacation house It had been harder for Collin to leave, as he watched Aria wallow in sadness and degrade in her health by the day
Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder Another one
Dalton's company "The percentage rise is astounding both internally and externally. People are trying to invest their shares again," Alex reported to
Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder Pains and gains
Even in her unconscious state, she probably could hear the silent and calculated beeps from every corner of the room. She could still hear inaudible s
Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder Catastrophe
Dalton was so heartbroken than ever that it was extremely hard to believe that he had fallen too much for the lady, who was never ready to stay with h
Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder Trouble upon trouble
The yacht party was the most glamorous and luxurious, which was the main event of the anniversary itself. It was also the one that Mark Miller promise
Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder All over
Ariana was sprawled comfortably early in the morning of the next day on the bed, drowning in a mess of white sheets that had intertwined her body. She
Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder Love
The anxiousness that overwhelmed Dalton as he drove to the airport was intense, that it took him much willpower to remain sane till he got to the one
Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder Counterattack
Ariana, who is still identifying as Aria, had returned to check on her sister in Italy, whose vitals were improving to stability already, and could mo
Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder Game changer
After the departure with Collin in the past who left sadly after he could not win Ariana's heart after everything, she cut ties with the group that sh
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