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Desired by two Alphas and one Beta
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“I will not be able to live a day without you by my side, Malia...” he whispered in my ears, as I was lost in his embrace once again. “But we can't.. .” He had me suffocated with yet another one of his kisses, paralyzing all my willpower with one masterful stroke. I was going to be stick with him for a while. Malia, the wolfless Luna of Alpha Zade makes away from her pack, as she feels she is about being replaced by the alpha's ex. She eventually runs out of her pack in the heat of her jealousy and frustration, but is soon in a world where she was not trained to live in. In a new, fierce world of competition, pain, regret, and betrayal, she is to somehow make her way out of it alive, with a new, second chance mate on her side. What happens when she finds out the truth about her second chance mate? What happens when she realizes that she could have made a mistake by running away in the first place? Is she able forgive herself. Read on to find out! ...
WerewolfLove TrianglePossessiveALPHA
Latest Chapters Contents 142 Chapters
Desired by two Alphas and one Beta The End
MALIA'S POV Zade came to see me a week later. I had tried not to look excited at all when Penelope had come to tell me that he was waiting for me in
Desired by two Alphas and one Beta Cheated!
MALIA'S POV After making both Ryder and Victoria as weak as I could with extra help from Tommy(thank the Goddess the paralysis spell was temporary),
Desired by two Alphas and one Beta At Your Mercy
MALIA'S POV I must have fallen asleep again even though I had desperately tried to stay awake. Victoria had been forcing some sort of liquid down my
Desired by two Alphas and one Beta Trap
ZADE'S POV There was no way Victoria could have broken out of that house and killed about five of the highly trained guards I had placed there to pre
Desired by two Alphas and one Beta Have Him Destroyed
MALIA'S POV After skimming through the pages of about five books, we were able to learn a few things about the witches of the Alfea tribe. Like Alic
Desired by two Alphas and one Beta The Alfea Tribe
MALIA'S POV While we were on our way back to the palace, Lucien warned us not to talk about my newly discovered identity as a witch. Penelope was not
Desired by two Alphas and one Beta Chaperone
MALIA'S POV Penelope took off my hat without my permission as soon as we entered her chambers and Lucien gasped. "It is pretty, right?" she asked he
Desired by two Alphas and one Beta Different
MALIA'S POV There was nothing as sweet as your own independence and freedom. This I realized in the first few days of being alone in my room without
Desired by two Alphas and one Beta Nowhere To Be Found
ZADE'S POV I returned to my Pack with mixed feelings. When I had decided to go meet my step-brother for help, I had known that there was a very high
Desired by two Alphas and one Beta Out Of Love
MALIA'S POV "Ryder," I breathed out, clearly nervous at how angry he looked. He folded his arms over his chest. His expression remained angry. "Firs
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