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Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend
Gia Hunter Completed
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The golden boy and the heir to the billion-dollar empire, Bash Hughes has been the love of Trinity's life even if he's a bully. He has everything the world can offer, but she's only his best friend—nothing more, and it eventually ended badly. They went separate ways then. Years later, their worlds collide, but they're two different people—Trinity transforms into a gorgeous redhead. Well, Bash always has the looks, money, and now power. What happened when their first glance reignites something hard to shake off? Is there still a friendship to catch up, or do they want something more? ...
BillionaireGoodgirlTrue loveTeen FictionCEO
Latest Chapters Contents 41 Chapters
Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend Chapter 41 - Father and the Piggybank
BASH It's been ten hours since I brought Trinity to Maternity and Children Specialist Hospital, but her cervix only dilates from three centimeters to
Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend Chapter 40 - Clueless
BASH I wake up when Trinity whines beside me. I'm sure she had a bad dream, which is weird because since we sleep together, she never wakes me up bec
Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend Chapter 39 - Baby Daddy
TRINITY The sonographer presses the transducer on my exposed tummy. Bash squeezes my hand stronger unbeknownst while his eyes are pinned to the monit
Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend Chapter 38 - Baby on Board
BASH I catch my wife's unconscious body before she falls straight to the floor. She just turns pale then her eyes flutter close. Everyone gasps and
Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend Chapter 37 - Painting
TRINITY Experts said when someone is depressed, he should involve himself with aspiring things and makes time for the things that makes him feels bet
Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend Chapter 36 - Wind Chime
BASH It's been three days since the last time I saw Trinity. I made a decision that I hope it was for our own good. I want her to realize that I love
Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend Chapter 35 - Luke's Advice
TRINITY Loving so much it hurts, being lied to hurts a lot. But I can feel everything we shared these last three months was real. How could he do thi
Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend Chapter 34 - Drunk & Depressed
TRINITY Last night, Sean told me about our high school days before I went to my room, and I'm not that drunk to forget what happened last night. I kn
Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend Chapter 33 - Walk Out
TRINITY "Hello, love. Fancy meeting you again." The woman calls Bash as if they know her very well. What's catches my attention is her thick English
Falling for My Billionaire Best Friend Chapter 32 - Perfect
TRINITY I enter the Night Stalker with Bash gripping my hand. I had to bribe him to come with me. As always, this club is jam-packed. This club has
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