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Filthy Secret
Viviane Completed
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Brutal Explicit Naughty Seductive Hardcore Adult Sex Erotic Taboo Sexy Short Stories Compilation: Hot Brats, Reverse age gap, MF steamy stories. 18+ I twirl my tongue around a little, and then he pulls back and thrusts forward, hitting the back of my throat. I gag and he withdraws again. "Get on your knees for me." His voice has changed now, Lower, rougher. For a moment I'm scared, but then his hand finds mine, and he pulls me up to a sitting position as he stands, "Knees, Eva," I scramble to my knees and before I even have a chance to settle he's back in my mouth. Both of his hands go behind my head and he pushes himself inside me again. I gag and my hands grab his dick and push him away. "Hands on your thighs, Eva," he commands. I obey and he stuffs himself in farther, his dick pleading with my throat to go deeper. I cough a little and this makes the killer moan with pleasure. I swallow and get the same reaction, only it's too much all of a sudden and I begin to choke. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 129 Chapters
Filthy Secret Chapter 129
VINDICTIVE HEIR I said no to Addler de Marco once, and he's never let me forget it… Elena Addler de Marco. There's always been whispers about his f
Filthy Secret Chapter 128
EPILOGUE LUPITA I step into the kitchen of the new house and stop short as I find Mom in front of the oversized kitchen window, pouring herself some
Filthy Secret Chapter 127
LUPITA The screen door slams, and Dad's heavy footfalls echo through the house. He comes through the doorway, his shoulders sagging in relief at seei
Filthy Secret Chapter 126
ROMAN It's after midnight when we make it out to the kitchen in search of food. Lupita empties the deviled ham onto a plate then opens the cabinet do
Filthy Secret Chapter 125
ROMAN I don't know what's more sobering, the realization I came inside her, or the fact I got to see my cum sliding down toward her ass. It's only a
Filthy Secret Chapter 124
LUPITA I can't feel my fingers, yet I manage to twist the knob on the dead bolt. "Wait. Roman." Can he hear me? I pull open the door and freeze. He's
Filthy Secret Chapter 123
ROMAN "Look it…look it here." The sun's low in the sky as Antonio stops the truck in the middle of the country road. He taps his hands on the steerin
Filthy Secret Chapter 122
LUPITA "Come in, base." Dad's voice comes over the radio, drawing my attention from the vegetables I'm washing. The tension in his voice is enough to
Filthy Secret Chapter 121
ROMAN The curiosity in her amber eyes intrigues me, so much more when she takes my outstretched hand without second-guessing herself. Stepping down
Filthy Secret Chapter 120
LUPITA "If she'd been born a boy, I wouldn't have this problem." Actually hearing the words come out of Dad's mouth is like having the skin peeled b
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