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Grieving Hearts
Ricky Donna Completed
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Agustin DeLuca looked at the photos in front of him, rage burning through his veins, as he watched his wife in someone else's arms. He was one of the most renowned businessmen in the country, known for his ruthlessness and arrogance. He prided himself for being good at reading people like an open book, he thought nothing goes unseen from his scrutinizing eyes, yet the irony, he couldn't see the truth of his own wife when inoccence was written all over her face, vulnerability swirling in her doe eyes, silently begging for him to believe her. He lost everything that mattered to him two years back, because he chose to trust the wrong person, but now that he knows the truth, there is nothing he won't do to get her back, nothing. 'Get ready Onika DeLuca , I am coming,' he said to himself, determination shining in his orbs, holding a dark promise. ~~~~ "I promise you, the face I remember before dying will be yours, the last thing I will wish to see will be you, whether it is today, tomorrow or fifty years from now. It will always be you, Onika". -Agustin DeLuca. ...
BillionaireLove TriangleRevengeSad loveCEO
Latest Chapters Contents 64 Chapters
Grieving Hearts CHAPTER 64
Few Days Later.... Agustin slowly got down on his knees and rubbed the top of his daughter's grave with his palm, ever so slowly as if touching somet
Grieving Hearts CHAPTER 63
Onika's Pov.... I looked at the divorce papers infront of me. "I have signed the papers, your turn" Agustin said, his voice surprisingly void of any
Grieving Hearts CHAPTER 62
Agustin's Pov.... "Take legal action against me, I am ready to confess my crimes, Every. Single. One. Of. Them" I said sternly, even though I don't f
Grieving Hearts CHAPTER 61
Onika's POV... I stared at Agustin's pale figure laying on the hospital bed, IV line attached to his wrist, his eyes closed, a small frown on his for
Grieving Hearts CHAPTER 60
Third Person.... Agustin De Luca was driving the car through the eerie silent, dark night, not aware where he was going, but he did have one place in
Grieving Hearts CHAPTER 59
Jacob's POV... I groaned in frustration at the noise interrupting my sleep, and pulled my pillow over my ear to block the noise. It took me some good
Grieving Hearts CHAPTER 58
Onika's POV... I came back home and directly went to check on Alex. After making sure he was sleeping peacefully, I made my way towards my room. My
Grieving Hearts CHAPTER 57
Agustin's POV..... It's been two hour since I told Kane to investigate into the matter, no call nothing, what is taking him so long? I was restlessl
Grieving Hearts CHAPTER 56
Onika's POV... A day before I would never have imagined I would be standing on a terrace of an extravagant hotel in Los Vagus. But here I am. I have
Grieving Hearts CHAPTER 55
Onika's POV... "Maria, I am not really sure about it, I have never ever been away from Alex for a whole day.. and I will just be worried sick about h
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