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Her Dirty Author
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I might be young, but I know what I want in life: to be a published author. I always said I'd do whatever it takes, but when my agent sets me up to ghostwrite for a well known "romance" author, I'm hesitant. Not just because he's way older than me. Not just because he's the biggest jerk I've ever met. Not just because he's crazy good looking (and he is.) But because I've read his books... all of them. When he finds out he asks me for my favorite scene. It's a dangerous road to go down, these kind of dirty talks, because we're about to spend a LOT of time together working alone in his penthouse. At the rate things are heating up, though, we might not get any work done at all. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 62 Chapters
Her Dirty Author Book4-17
I trail a finger down the center of his chest and it starts to heave, his focus drawn to my mouth. "But you're the only one I need attention from." T
Her Dirty Author Book4-16
I don't know who the man is in the video, but I have a good guess. Sissy's father. He is the T I forgot to cross. He's the base I didn't cover. And
Her Dirty Author Book4-15
I'm suddenly very aware that I'm the only one in the usually bustling locker room. The waitressing night shift is about the begin, but the day waitre
Her Dirty Author Book4-14
The game between us has never been allowed to run amok. Usually, Sissy tempts me and taunts me until I break and start referring to myself by the D wo
Her Dirty Author Book4-13
So when I storm across the street toward a children's park and his shadow follows me, large and looming, I worry I won't be able to resist his touch l
Her Dirty Author Book4-12
He called a local acquaintance who set off firecrackers in one of the stairwells, thus creating a diversion long enough for us to escape in the opposi
Her Dirty Author Book4-11
She whines as I start to eat her out, sucking in stuttered breaths and wiggling her hips restlessly. "I…I n-never saw this on the farm," she stutters,
Her Dirty Author Book4-10
"Where are you taking me?" I gasp in between frantic kisses. His mouth rakes down between my breasts, licking over the mounds of my cleavage where th
Her Dirty Author Book4-9
At the rear of the lounge, Faye reaches up onto a shelf and hands me a folded stack of clothing. "Put on your uniform and we'll see if it needs any…ad
Her Dirty Author Book4-8
I can't breathe during my climax, yet I've never been so full of oxygen. Energy. She invigorates me and depletes me at the same time. I finally manage
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