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Love Of Wind And Clouds
True love
Tiên Nhi Ongoing
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After Nancy said goodbye to her fiance, she left the city without knowing that because Nathan chased the taxi carrying her, he had a traffic accident that disfigured his entire face. When Nancy returned to the city to work, she worked at the corporation owned by Nathan without even knowing it. She met him again with a different name, and a different face, and quickly fell in love with him. However, when their wedding was about to take place, she discovered that it was all a revenge plan by him, the man with a new name - Dylan. ...
True loveHorrorBetrayalSweetCEO
Latest Chapters Contents 30 Chapters
Love Of Wind And Clouds Chapter 48
Nancy returned to her seat and gave the two planks to the other couple. She thought she was about to go to heaven. She was indescribably happy. Next
Love Of Wind And Clouds Chapter 47
Taking advantage of Rosalind going inside to flush, Laura quickly opened her bag, drew the unlock symbol on her phone, then texted Daniel, telling him
Love Of Wind And Clouds Chapter 46
Nancy walked along the steep, zigzag path around the hillside, watching the spring rain falling, leaving countless drops of clear water on the tea bud
Love Of Wind And Clouds Chapter 45
Nolan had a bit of alcohol in him so he was very aggressive. He was knocked down several times but he still rushed at them. When he was too exhausted,
Love Of Wind And Clouds Chapter 44
Dusk fell. After work, on the way home, Nancy stopped by the supermarket to buy some grapes and apples, then took a taxi to the hospital. She went to
Love Of Wind And Clouds Chapter 43
Waiting until eleven o'clock at night, Lyle called Camila, saying that Dylan was so drunk that he had to sleep at his house so she wouldn't worry. Ly
Love Of Wind And Clouds Chapter 42
After receiving the news, Daria quickly contacted the nearest hospital, telling them to immediately send an ambulance. She clearly understood that Dy
Love Of Wind And Clouds Chapter 41
Nancy looked around but didn't see Dylan anywhere. When she asked the people around, they said he had not appeared in previous years, leaving everythi
Love Of Wind And Clouds Chapter 40
After eating, Stephen drove Nancy to the company, dropped her off at the gate, and then ran straight home to take a shower. This afternoon he had to
Love Of Wind And Clouds Chapter 39
When Nancy walked out of the president's room, it was already lunchtime, so she rushed back to put away her documents and quickly went to the cafeteri
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