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Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave
Red Inkling Completed
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"You want daddy to f*ck you, hard and rough then reward you with his c*m, is that it, little slut?!" "Yes, Daddy" **** MONALISA I thought I had a problem being aroused. My ex boyfriend broke up with me for being insensitive to his touches and I thought I really had a problem with myself until I met him, Lucius Devine, my late father's best friend. He could make me wet just by staring at me and his slightest touches could make the 'insensitive' me shudder and c*m. Yet, he wanted boundaries, he wanted to be a father figure to me but I didn't want him as a father. I wanted him. I wanted him to be my daddy. I wanted to be his little submissive sl*t and I was going to break his boundaries until I become Daddy's Little Sub. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 117 Chapters
Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave Messed Up Friend Circle
ROSALINE With my right arm wrapping around him gently, I kissed him back, maintaining the softness and slowness of the kiss. He leaned in even more,
Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave Love And Lust (The End)
A WEEK LATER LUCIUS DEVINE "Heavens! I feel like I am really on air right now" Lisa laughed, a breath taking sound that was music to my ears. "You
Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave Mine And Hers
LUCIUS DEVINE I watched as Lisa slept in a much more comfortable bed that the hospitals provided even in the VVIP Wards. I booked the best doctors i
Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave I Am Sorry I Am Late
MONALISA The door creaked open slowly and a man walked into the darkness of the room, followed by Irene whose Silhouette I very well recognised. The
Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave Please Be Alive For Me, Cupcake
AUTHOR'S POV Bella pushed her phone gently into her pocket and pulled her hair into a bun. Andro was just recuperating and Lucius was still in a coma
Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave Greyson
MONALISA It had been a few days already. Two or three days or maybe four days, I didn't really know anymore. I was barely living. The only definite s
Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave Going To Be Fine
MONALISA I had stopped yelling and screaming my lungs out by the time I was being carried off into a room by the man who had forcefully carried me on
Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave The Darkness. Death.
LUCIUS DEVINE Fifteen minutes after this bastard's death, Lisa would be.... Killed. But how sure was I that letting Sandro live was going to ascertai
Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave Not Letting Her Die
MONALISA "You are staring at me like it's the last time you will be seeing me" Lucius chuckled but I didn't find it funny. Nothing was funny. Mum w
Make Me Wet Daddy's Little Slave I Hope No One Dies
MONALISA "Good morning, love." I heard Lucius whisper into my ears before his tongue brushed the tip of my ear. "Lucius " I called softly. "Good mo
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