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My Ex's Billionaire Dad
Annabelsky Ongoing
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After accidentally having a one night stand with a stranger, Nora's life took a drastic turn after finding out that not only was he her ex's Dad but also a billionaire. Everyone turned against her, including her family for getting involved with a father and a son. With no one to defend her, she was sent away to Paris by her father after the series of humiliations she faced. What will happen when she gets to Paris and finds out her payroll has been cut off ? Not only was she broke but was also pregnant. But for who ? ...
Latest Chapters Contents 31 Chapters
My Ex's Billionaire Dad CHAPTER 42
The days following my appointment were a whirlwind of emotions. The weight of my pregnancy felt lighter now that I had shared it with Mr. Beaumont, an
My Ex's Billionaire Dad CHAPTER 41
No one told me pregnancy would be this difficult, I could barely get of my bed this morning, my face was swollen and looked paler than usual. And I
My Ex's Billionaire Dad CHAPTER 40
As the days turned into weeks, I settled into a rhythm at the mansion. My mornings were filled with caring for Mr. Beaumont, and I found solace in the
My Ex's Billionaire Dad CHAPTER 39
The morning sunlight filtered softly through my window, casting gentle rays across my room. I stretched and took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excit
My Ex's Billionaire Dad CHAPTER 38
"The house will be so lonely without you," Kate said, watching me as I arranged my things in a small suitcase. Her voice carried a mix of sadness and
My Ex's Billionaire Dad CHAPTER 37
Minutes after I got back, Kate came in as well. I tried to be cheerful so she wouldn't worry. "How did the meeting with your dad go?" I asked, hoping
My Ex's Billionaire Dad CHAPTER 36
Nora's POV As the cab pulled away, I fought to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over. The encounter with Ray had been far more inte
My Ex's Billionaire Dad CHAPTER 35
Nora's POV On the way to the hospital, my mind was racing. I needed to figure out a way to get out of this situation. Ray wasn't someone who gave up
My Ex's Billionaire Dad CHAPTER 34
Nora's POV Kate just left, saying she was going to see her dad, who had just come into town. She asked if I'd like to join her, but I insisted on ano
My Ex's Billionaire Dad CHAPTER 33
After the incident, I've been trying to put things in order, attending one meeting after another. The chaos is finally starting to settle, and things
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