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My Fake Lover
Love Triangle
Erotic writer Completed
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Lexi Monroe is a seventeen year old senior. Everything was perfect until her boyfriend dumped her unexpectedly. The terrible thing is that she still likes him, a lot. Now meet Tyler Evans. He's drop-dead gorgeous guys at school. Tyler and Lexi used to be close friends at middle school but everything changed because of a little misunderstanding, so they became sworn enemies. What happens when their lives became intertwined again and they had to act as fake lovers? Will they overcome their differences or will they make things worse? Find out in this interesting and intriguing story. ...
Love TriangleBetrayalTeen Fiction18+Adult
Latest Chapters Contents 58 Chapters
#Lexi's POV: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° You don't know how'd it feel to be in labor until your actually on the spot. I've always said I wanted to give bi
My Fake Lover CHAPTER 57
#Lexi's POV: ..... I heard the shower start running as my roommate was in there. And me, I was doing my damn homework and it's been hours since I st
My Fake Lover CHAPTER 56
I smiled and grabbed my diploma. I scanned the crowd and found my mom and my little brother, who was waving at me. I waved back as I saw my mom bring
My Fake Lover CHAPTER 55
#Continuation .... I looked at the caller id to see Emily calling him. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as I answered the phone. "Emily?
My Fake Lover CHAPTER 54
#Lexi's POV: ... I set my phone down on the nightstand next to my bed. I let out a sigh as a smile made its way onto my lips. I set my head against
My Fake Lover CHAPTER 53
#Lexi's POV: ..... Tyler and I walked into the cafeteria after the weird ass of a teacher came walking past again. I never even heard of her in my e
My Fake Lover CHAPTER 52
#Lexi's POV .... "So, are you doing okay?" I asked Emily as we walked towards our lockers so we could grab a few things for first period. "I'm seve
My Fake Lover CHAPTER 51
#Tyler's POV ...... "Man, I just don't know what's up with her." Caleb finished his little story but the last thing he said was the only thing I act
My Fake Lover CHAPTER 50
#Lexi's POV: ... For this full five minutes in this heated make out session I was having with Tyler, I think I was still a bit shocked that he was a
My Fake Lover CHAPTER 49
#Lexi's POV: "What's taking so long?!" Emily yelled from behind the door of her room, clearly frustrated. Seriously, what was her problem? "It was b
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