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My beautiful wife
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Silence speaks volumes but loudness always overshadows it. Sean Patterson is a silent and reserved person who tries his best to keep himself from the wild and loud world. He’s the kind of man who enjoys taking walks alone, in the silence of the night under the blanket of stars. Though he has had a fair share of women in his life, he always runs from being in a relationship because he’s doesn’t like sharing his thoughts and lifestyle with anyone except his two best friends. He maintains his life perfectly and takes every decision wisely but his one sudden decision makes him entangled with a woman named Lauren Hart. Though he has known her for years now, he had no idea that she is crazy, wild, sassy, loud, and talkative. And that’s when his perfectly balanced and disciplined lifestyle takes an abrupt turn. Will the darkness of silence be masked by the glow of a loud personality in their situation? Will he regret his reckless decision or will he rejoice it forever? Let’s see how this crazy woman snatches his peace and shows him how crazy and bombastic this world can be. Let’s see what happens when the silent and reserved one gets himself entangled with the crazy and loud one. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 52 Chapters
My beautiful wife 52 ️️ ÉPILOGUE
Two years later… Sean Peterson "Ryan! Ryan! Go, Ryan! Yeah!" As Ryan progressed to the finish line, Lauren's voice continued to grow louder, and my
My beautiful wife 51
Lauren Hart "A sibling?" This startling statement came from Ryan. Apparently, Sean and I decided to disclose the news to Ryan first thing in the mor
My beautiful wife 50
Sean Peterson I adjusted my bow tie while looking at my reflection in the mirror. Oh, how I wish I could barge into the room where Lauren had been ge
My beautiful wife 49
Lauren Hart Four days to the wedding; all the arrangements were done. The venue, my dress, Sean and Ryan's suits, theme, cake, everything was done. S
My beautiful wife 48
Lauren Hart Sean didn't wait for long to drag me into our room. Shutting the door, he pushed me against it. The warmth of his soft lips glided down m
My beautiful wife 47
Lauren Hart There is no better feeling than being back at home. No matter if you have gone out just for a walk, the home gives a sense of security an
My beautiful wife 46
Lauren Hart The end of the fall season had almost arrived; the breeze blew my hair and rustled the leaves as it passed through them. The chills of th
My beautiful wife 45
Lauren Hart A day passed but I was still being treated as a patient in ICU bed. I wasn't allowed to move my hand even a bit and it honestly irritated
My beautiful wife 44
Lauren Hart "It's time for the party!" Once at home, we were greeted with a blast of confetti. It was the gang with the kids waiting for us to get b
My beautiful wife 43
Sean Peterson With Lauren and grandma by my side and Ryan in my arms, we headed out of the court. There, I saw Samantha and Levi arguing over somethi
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