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Possession of the Mafia Don
SK Taylor Completed
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I stared at him, wide-eyed, aware of the heat from his body, rolling off in waves. Awareness swept through me, my stomach clenched and wetness flooded my core as I felt his nearness; I sighed. He gripped a handful of my hair with an oath and brought his mouth down on mine, his hard lips slanting as they claimed my mouth. His heavy, strong body forced me against the wall and I trembled with need and fear… I was rigid for a while, unable to understand what was happening. My body begged me to hold his shoulders, to stroke him, to let go. But my almost Puritanical upbringing made me stiff and resistant. Till he sank his teeth into my lower lip and I opened my mouth in a gasp. * When the cynical, jaded Mafia Don Lucien Delano, meets eighteen-year-old, Proserpina Martinez, she falls in love with him without realizing that she is just a plaything for him. By the time she comprehends the reality, it is too late. Pregnant and alone the spirited young woman does something that takes the Don by surprise. She runs away. What happens next? Read it to find out how the stormy, passionate lovers battle their emotions and themselves. * ...
MafiaTrue loveGoodgirlPossessive18+
Latest Chapters Contents 106 Chapters
Possession of the Mafia Don Reminder...
Proserpina We had lain in each other's arms after all the torrid lovemaking of that night. The food had been heated and we had eaten slowly, feeding
Possession of the Mafia Don Islands in the Stream
When the cars drew up escorting his Woman, it was past midnight. Proserpina smiled as she stepped out daintily. She felt like she was in a reverse Ci
Possession of the Mafia Don Wooing Her
Proserpina Lucien? I asked myself. Had he brought me roses? ??? Swallowing hard, I stood, inhaling the heady fragrance. Where was he, the man I lo
Possession of the Mafia Don Returning
Proserpina We landed on a sunny afternoon. The journey had been long and exhausting. But Ria and Piers had been raring to see their father and had be
Possession of the Mafia Don Separation
Proserpina The children spoke to Lucien every day, twice a day. Without fail. Even if it was midnight in the US, he would be wide awake, smiling, lis
Possession of the Mafia Don Leaving the Don
Proserpina We flew out of the US in a week's time. The children had been subdued, not really understanding what was happening. I sat them down and e
Possession of the Mafia Don Alex Wu
A few days later, after brooding and generally feeling furious and angry with himself, Lucien decided to visit the house unexpectedly. He had not info
Possession of the Mafia Don Another Man
Proserpina During the following weeks, I refrained from visiting Lucien at the hospital. I had had enough of his blow hot, blow cold behaviour. We ha
Possession of the Mafia Don Recuperating
Proserpina A few days later, I was discharged from the hospital. The baby was doing well and so was I. It was only because of Shark's beatings that
Possession of the Mafia Don After
Proserpina Shark fell to the ground, the shot having hit him dead in the center of the forehead. But I did not care to look at him, all my attention
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