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Runaway Alpha
True love
Ayinne Eiram Completed
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ALPHA SERIES: BOOK I Running as if it was nothing, every leaves I stepped into flied creating a small artificial fall. The moon was hiding behind thick clouds as stars are nowhere to be seen. Why am I even running? That is also a thing I am not sure of. A runaway bride or Luna is something I am more familiar with. But an Alpha running away in his own wedding... I fell silent for a moment. Only the sound of the midnight air can be heard. But if you focus and listen carefully, countless of steps can be heard hitting the ground. They are following me. And before the mad werewolf even have his chance to give me a heavy punch, the only thing that is left was my piece of goodbye. A leaf that serves as wish and farewell for the pack he left. A ritual that makes a wolven be treated as if they are never been part of their Wolfpack. As is they are never been born in the first place. 'Yah Vegi Yma Ellwafare' ( I give my farewell ) ...
True loveWerewolfFantasySweetRomance
Latest Chapters Contents 73 Chapters
Runaway Alpha Chapter 73 Special Chapter Ending
Smashing the wall turns then to pebbles. That is when Emric saw the very body that was chains on the center of a podium. ' So this is where you are.
Runaway Alpha Chapter 72 Special Chapter 5
" Emric… emric… what a nice name to have. Now that I have you here, I will no longer have to be locked in this body. Hah… that damn goddess, I never k
Runaway Alpha Chapter 71 Special Chapter 4
" Lianna… what should we do? should we just go back? There are lots of people here and " Shaking her head, Lhana wants to leave his brother there sin
Runaway Alpha Chapter 70 Special Chapter 3
" What? do you now feel it? what a fool of you to follow me here isn't it wonderful? Little Emric? " Echoing on his head, its been some days since h
Runaway Alpha Chapter 69 Special Chapter 2
'What are you going to do now? It is not just one… but… lots of me' A villainous chuckle echoed in Emric's head as he heard that very voice. They say
Runaway Alpha Chapter 68 Special Chapter 1
Years Later Lhana's POV " Max, I will not ask for your forgiveness… but… " chuckling, my husband was so calm in his words. Talking with brother, its
Runaway Alpha Chapter 67 Epilogue
Looking at the surroundings I saw how we are near a village. There, in the corner of it, a large tower was placed. Remembering how Cavian told me tha
Runaway Alpha Chapter 66
Adventurers? What is he talking about? And why does he wear such… Clothings… "We are not adventurers. We are-" I hold her hands. It isn't a good thi
Runaway Alpha Chapter 65
The fated day came in just a glimpse of an eye. Everything was enjoying the great festive that the elders made. To think that they would gone so far t
Runaway Alpha Chapter 64
'What do you mean? Fidel?' Handing me over a book that was in his hands, I was surprised when that book looks similar to the one I saw which makes me
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