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Slaved To The Alpha
Levis Completed
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Grown up as an orpha, I became a slave. My fate changed when I met Alpha Grunt,I could feel that he is my destinied mate, however, as a slave,our union would be only a tragedy,it was not unitl his persistance made me belive, mate is a fated thing, and discovers my true identity, it turns out I'm a.... ...
Latest Chapters Contents 66 Chapters
Slaved To The Alpha Chapter 66
3rd Person POV The humiliation still didn't stop. Asthrid walked over to her and glared at her, telling her who was the boss and superior between the
Slaved To The Alpha Chapter 65
The only motivation she had in mind was the time she would finally escape her hellish life. She wanted this Annual Pack Gathering to finally end so th
Slaved To The Alpha Chapter 64
"Have you found anyone that interests you, Alpha? Ah, what I mean is that… is there someone who finally got your attention?" She took her courage to f
Slaved To The Alpha Chapter 63
Mabelle just then shrugged off her shoulders and pouted. "Well, that's why we came up with this idea, right? We really need to embarrass that cheap ra
Slaved To The Alpha Chapter 62
Just a little time before Alpha Grant saw Krisna who was just standing in the corner, Asthrid was on the other side. She wanted to give Grant somethin
Slaved To The Alpha Chapter 61
Everyone settled down when Grant entered the venue hall. A lot of pretty girls were looking and staring at him as he walked firmly with his posture. I
Slaved To The Alpha Chapter 60
He shook his head while he was still trying to fix his tie. "I'm fine, Mom. Don't worry about anything." She casually told Letizia, but she only chuck
Slaved To The Alpha Chapter 59
Krisna just rolled her eyes heavenward while shaking her head left and right. "When will this end? Ugh." She thought to herself as she let out a deep
Slaved To The Alpha Chapter 58
"Y-Yes, Ms. Asthrid. I just went out for a bit to get some fresh air… but unfortunately, I ran into an ugly hag along the way." Krisna said while deli
Slaved To The Alpha Chapter 57
"Yeah, V, come on, hit me!" I said with a smile on my face, and I was enjoying every bit of it as I messed with them. "I warned you all the last time
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