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Teasing Phoenix
Gia Hunter Completed
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*Suit and Tie Series 2* Sam Anderson has been cautious over men after her boyfriend cheated on her, but things have changed when Phoenix comes into the picture. Phoenix Williams comes back to the town he swore not to revisit. He's a cocky, confident, and relentless businessman—the type of man Sam despised. Surprisingly, the same qualities draw Phoenix closer to her. He also treats her like a princess. But like most relationships, there are always ups and downs—their relationships tested by their pasts—the past that brings them closer, and the same past can change their lives forever. ...
SuspenseRevengeTrue loveCEORomance
Latest Chapters Contents 43 Chapters
Teasing Phoenix Chapter Epilogue
PHOENIX Six months later… Do you know it's difficult to wake up someone who pretends to be asleep? And do you know when someone doesn't like doing h
Teasing Phoenix Chapter 42
PHOENIX My heart is still pounding in my chest since I saw the News about an hour ago. I don't know why I feel guilty even if I'm not the one who hur
Teasing Phoenix Chapter 41
SAM My body is shaking with fury when I see Gabrielle at my apartment door. Those things she did to my relationship, to Phoenix, and to myself make m
Teasing Phoenix Chapter 40
PHOENIX It's almost sunset-the colors of blue and violet scattering the sky with yellow-orange and red are covering most of it. Everyone gathers at
Teasing Phoenix Chapter 39
SAM The two-story beach house owned by Abby is beautiful-it's a gift for her husband on her nineteenth birthday. I can't help but appreciated the mag
Teasing Phoenix Chapter 38
UNKNOWN Somewhere in the neighborhood... I slumped myself down to the worn-out bed after kicking off my ten-dollar high heels. My eyes are focused o
Teasing Phoenix Chapter 37
PHOENIX I wake up with the warm limbs draping over me. Samantha is still snoring in my arms. I slowly slip out my body from her warm cuddle. No matte
Teasing Phoenix Chapter 36
SAM I'm still in shock with what I've found out. Sandy finally tells me everything, and I just listen closely to every word she says to me, but she m
Teasing Phoenix Chapter 35
SAM Phoenix's mouth hangs open as he stares at me for a good minute, then he finally blinks and laughs out loud. A whimper slips from my lips, and as
Teasing Phoenix Chapter 34
PHOENIX Jesus! Who the hell sent her those flowers with that kind of note? I wonder if it was Gabrielle because that couldn't be Tyler. I don't like
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