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The Alpha King
Professor Completed
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Pack life for Ivy Pierce was perfect. Although abandoned at the Red Moon pack when she was just a pup, she was completely accepted by the Alpha and Luna, and therefore; the entire pack by association. She becomes one of the top trained female warriors in the pack alongside her wolf Seles, and is chosen to protect the Alpha and Luna due to her strength and ability. That is until tragedy strikes and Ivy’s life is completely turned upside down. With her wolf locked away, Ivy has to adjust to life at the bottom of the ladder while trying to survive from the never-ending onslaught from her pack and the new Alpha. Convinced her life will never change for the better, Ivy admits defeat until a certain Alpha comes to visit and takes an odd interest in her. An Alpha that is respected, feared and is soon to be… ...
Latest Chapters Contents 64 Chapters
The Alpha King ÉPILOGUE 64 ️
Ivy's POV It's here. The night everything changes again. I stand in my room, ready, with my hands visibly shaking from my nerves. I haven't been al
The Alpha King 63
Ivy's POV Our most recent night together was the best one yet. I feel so much more connected to Nathaniel, more content and alive. But there's one l
The Alpha King 62
Ivy's POV Nathaniel trails his left hand up my body before closing his hand around my neck, pushing me back. This forces my back to arch and pushes m
The Alpha King 61
Ivy's POV Nathaniel didn't like being sent away. I'd chuckled to myself when he'd pouted when I told him to go find something to do while I did the
The Alpha King 60
Nathaniel's POV It feels so good to have her in my arms again. Kane takes his jacket off and drapes it over my mate, covering her chilled naked body
The Alpha King 59
Ivy's POV Muscles coiling tight, Seles leaps at Cole, who sidesteps briefly to avoid our advance, but he's not fast enough as she collides into him,
The Alpha King 58
Ivy's POV I inhale sharply as I dodge Cole's advance, his hands barely missing my shoulders. I duck under his arm and try to run past, but I'm yanked
The Alpha King 57
Nathaniel's POV I glance around as my car pulls into the rogue compound that is mostly run by Kaiden. The scent of rogue wolves is strong in the air
The Alpha King 56
Ivy's POV I'm breaking. I'm losing track of time and the beatings are getting more severe. Cole and Alarik have released me from the chair into some
The Alpha King 55
Ivy's POV I groan as I come to, feeling a massive pounding headache behind my eyes. I blink them a few times to try and clear the blurriness in my vi
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