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The Love That Passed
True love
R.Y.E. Completed
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"I already told you before that I will only provide you with your monthly allowance and nothing else. Unless it was a matter of life and death, I am not going to give you any," he said. I didn't know that he was like this. "Well, it's a matter of life and death. You will be able to help me greatly if you do me this favor." I said, now a little hopeful. I will never get shy at telling him that because I want to live as well. "Don't tell me you're dying, because I am not going to believe you. And if you do, why not just accept it, after all, I don't want you here." he said and I was really hurt. Is he even human? How can he say that to me? Even if he was this mad at me, I don't think it was necessary for him to say those words to me. ...
True loveMarriageSad loveCEORomance
Latest Chapters Contents 70 Chapters
The Love That Passed Seventy-Nine End
Jared's POV "She's still not in good condition. I didn't want to give you false hope and I want you to be ready for anything, anytime." Dr. Gerard sa
The Love That Passed Seventy-Eight
Jared's POV I know my wife's condition but my mind and heart didn't want to accept it. I still give myself hope and no matter how little it was, I wi
The Love That Passed Seventy-Seven
Third Person's POV Jared was looking at his wife, who was still lying on the hospital bed unconscious. He had been doing that for three weeks after h
The Love That Passed Seventy-Six
Third Person's POV "Colleeeeeenn..." Jared shouted, which made Ingrid and Claire rush to him, crying. "Jared... huhuhu...." Claire said, "You're fin
The Love That Passed Seventy-Five
Jared's POV I'm so thankful that Colleen has been admitted to the hospital. In that way, I can act more relaxed so that I don't have to think that sh
The Love That Passed Seventy-Four
Colleens POV I had to stay in the hospital since my scheduled CS is a week from now. The first time Jared told me about it, I was relieved. I know my
The Love That Passed Seventy-Three
Jared's POV Colleen is getting weaker as the days go by, her pregnancy is taking a toll on her body and I am sure that she is having difficulty carry
The Love That Passed Seventy-Two
Colleen's POV I didn't notice that I had overslept and I looked for Jared the moment I woke up. I asked mom where he was and he told me that he was s
The Love That Passed Seventy-One
Jared's POV After I talked to mom, I went home and found Colleen still sleeping. I was thankful because she wouldn't be asking me about the reason fo
The Love That Passed Seventy
Third Person's POV "Are you sure about that?" Stacey asked Derrick. "I thought you said that,--" "Forget what I said!" he exclaimed, and everyone i
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