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The Million Dollar Man
Professor Completed
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That was the one thing that had ruined Evelyn Summers life since the start. With her brother being the leader of “The London’s Eyes,”growing up in a world of cruelty was something Evelyn Summers had to become accustomed to. But thing’s about to get a whole lot worse. Gangs are starting to form all over London- with the intention of destroying London’s Eyes. What will happen when the leader of the most powerful gang offers protection in exchange for Evie ? Will Evie be able to survive Sebastian King ? She just might have to- because as we all know, Sebastian isn’t planning on letting her go any time soon. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 84 Chapters
The Million Dollar Man 84
I nodded in understanding, « I haven't even thought of where I'm going to stay. In fact, I decided I was going to America only just today. » Her brow
The Million Dollar Man 83
I paused, turning my head back to look at her, « What is it ? Get on with it then. » She shifted nervously before saying, « Why did you stab him ? I
The Million Dollar Man 82
I looked over at Mason and Callum, who were both wearing confused expressions as they watched this exchange. I wanted to go off on them too, but with
The Million Dollar Man 81
« Before we go into the room, and successfully ruin the lives of those who have ruined us, why don't you go get cleaned up ? You look like shit. » I
The Million Dollar Man 80
« Well sorry, » he spat out, « But I'm not exactly sure how much your word exactly stands for. » I felt a malicious grin spreading over my lips as Ch
The Million Dollar Man 79
Betrayal took me by the hand and led me to Chief Carter. It whispered all the words I spoke, as I followed it with adoration and infatuation. It was m
The Million Dollar Man 78
No one would testify against them. No one was brave enough to. She was back to square one, as some would say. And why, why was she so desperate to
The Million Dollar Man 77
Sampson looked away for a moment, before his hazel eyes met mine. « You never did question how your brother's gang lost so much power so quickly, did
The Million Dollar Man 76
Everything had changed since then. « I suppose you do remember him then ? » The man inquired, breaking me away from my thoughts. I swallowed roughly
The Million Dollar Man 75
A gasp left my lips as a sharp pain shot through my neck. My eyes flew open while my heart took off at an unnatural speed. « Ah, look who's wide awak
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