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Twenty Years In Bondage
Cha Cha Completed
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Octavia, a beautiful and strong werewolf, was born into the family of Zaid, an omega type of werewolves, the lowest ranking werewolves in Dark Moon pack. For the fear of going through the brutal pains of being an omega, her parents decided to keep her birth a secret from the outside world, as the only one who knew about the poor girl's existence after the parents, is Lia, the Alpha's surrogate mom. She was locked inside the house for twenty years, not seeing the outside world. No friends, no other families, just she and her poor parents. She always sneaked out in the night to get fresh air, and all these time, she made sure to not stay out long, to avoid being caught, as it'll end her poor parents in trouble. On this fateful day, her whole life turned into a misery, as she went out, but got caught by a stranger, who turned out to be their Alpha, whom she had seen a couple of times, but never got to see his face. To punish her and the parents, the Alpha decided that her parents should be killed, to justify their crime, but what happens, when the little Octavia, got consumed by her power, and her demon took over her, right in front of the Alpha, which is something that had never happened in history? ...
Latest Chapters Contents 75 Chapters
Twenty Years In Bondage Chapter 75 Missing him
Author POV The sound of the car honk coming from outside, pulled his attention from the deep romance, and he groaned angrily, as he threw his head ba
Twenty Years In Bondage Chapter 74 Flirty
Alpha Khalid POV "Are you ready for this?" I asked, as I stared into her eyes. Not that I can take it in anymore, my demon is already on his way to t
Twenty Years In Bondage Chapter 73 Are you ready for this?
Author POV He stared down at her, with burning sensation in him, a strong of wave of excitement, rushed through him. He couldn't help being happy, ho
Twenty Years In Bondage Chapter 72 Weird feelings
Octavia POV For the past days that I found out about the alpha, being my mate, my life seems to have changed, it is still difficult to believe everyt
Twenty Years In Bondage Chapter 71 Yearning for her
Author POV She stared at him, with fear, written all over her. The image of everything, keep flashing through her head, and for some minutes, she sto
Twenty Years In Bondage Chapter 70 She's awake!
Author POV He kept pacing in the room, while the physician, kept administering some liquid substance into Octavia's mouth. The atmosphere was tensed,
Twenty Years In Bondage Chapter 69 She's alive!
Alpha Khalid POV My eyes almost popped out of their sockets, as I stared at her in disbelief and anger. How dare she! How dare she try to mess with m
Twenty Years In Bondage Chapter 68 He won't spare me
Astrid POV I've been stalking Khalid lately, looking forward to the day he would leave her side, so I can carry out my plans. Seeing him always aroun
Twenty Years In Bondage Chapter 67 Sacrifice
Author POV Once the car stopped at the parking lot, they both alighted, but Moon almost froze, as she was welcomed with the sight of Liam, the guy sh
Twenty Years In Bondage Chapter 66 Plan gone wrong
Astrid POV After walking in the woods for what seemed like forever, I finally got to the route, which I took back to the castle, and in a few minutes
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