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Twisted Fate
True love
Tessy Chris Completed
1.4K 104.5K
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Alex Foster the youngest billionaire and the second richest man in New York City. He has a reputation of being a flirt , a Casanova and an arrogant dude. But he met his match the day he crossed paths with Ella Smith a mere waitress in a restaurant . He brought her to his side to torture her, to make her understand what it means to mess around with the demigod Alex Foster. The more he tried to torture her, the more he discovered how resistant she had become against his torture. Unable to conquer her, he searched out why he couldn't conquer a mere girl.... ...
True loveGoodgirlSuspenseLove TriangleBillionaire
Latest Chapters Contents 78 Chapters
Twisted Fate Chapter 78:It all Ended
The next day, there was breaking news, just as Alex and Ella were about to embark on their honeymoon and going the same destination with Greg and Rosa
Twisted Fate Chapter 77: Ecstatic
Alex nodded. He had never asked himself why Ella and Bill severed their relationship. He only knew she caught him once cheating. And despite that he
Twisted Fate Chapter 76: Bond together
One evening, after many weeks, Ella was excited when she received a text message from Rosa. She was getting married the next day. And then, she would
Twisted Fate Chapter 75: Analdo visited Ella
Alex Foster got to the hospital to check on Ella. He didn't come to see her again the previous evening. He wants to know how she was doing. Sarah exc
Twisted Fate Chapter 74: Ruby's Visit
An hour later after Greg arrived home, he was about to go to bed when he heard the doorbell ring. Who could be at the door at such a time. It's late
Twisted Fate Chapter 73: Unguided Utterances
When Alex saw the way the both of them held hands, the smile on Ella's face and the excitement on Greg's face, he became jealous. That is it, they ar
Twisted Fate Chapter 72: Lost his mind
"How could I? I made sure that rich brat paid for it with his life. I masterminded an accident and before falling into unconsciousness, he recognized
Twisted Fate Chapter 71: Secret, exchanged for freedom
Alex just got into his email and went through the emails his private detectives sent. It all pointed to one person, Nicolas Anderson. Kamal's investi
Twisted Fate Chapter 70: Father Kaitano intervened
Why is she calling him? No matter what she says, the law must have its way. Because without being told, he could guess that she wants to seek leniency
Twisted Fate Chapter 69: Provoked Lisa
"This case is a complex one, Ms Anderson. Lisa confessed to being helped out of jail by a prison officer at Jerome's bribery. The Prison officer had
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