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Using Baby Daddy For Revenge
Nkish27 Completed
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After a steamy night with a stranger when her best friend drugged her, Melissa's life is totally changed. She losses her both parent and all their wealth when her father's company is declared bankrupt, falls into depression almost losing her life but news of her pregnancy gives her a reason to live. Forced to drop out of college, Melissa moves to the province with her aunt who as well had lost her family. Straggling to make a living as an housekeeper, she meets her son's father four years later who manipulates her into moving back to the city and coerced her into marriage with a promise of finding the persons behind her parents death and company bankruptcy. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 89 Chapters
Using Baby Daddy For Revenge Epilogue: New beginnings
At Edward's mansion, the whole family sat together for the first time since the explosion. The blast that claimed three of Mr Edward's employees. Mr
Using Baby Daddy For Revenge Losing her forever
"Richard, you've come." Cassandra rushed from the first floor carrying a doll in her hand and a lady dressed in white running after her. "Aunt Cassan
Using Baby Daddy For Revenge I never meant to hurt you
At the states, Sasha sat opposite her mother and grandfather, biting her fingernails. She couldn't dare look her grandfather in the eyes. "Please for
Using Baby Daddy For Revenge Is she going to kill Melissa
"They are moving, I have to get to Melissa." Mark glanced at the tracker in his hand. "We are almost there." Robert fastened his seat belt. "Once th
Using Baby Daddy For Revenge I'll never let you go
"Ma'am, we have a problem." One of Diana's men got into the office out of breath. "Our men on the perimeter just informed me, there are several vehicl
Using Baby Daddy For Revenge Get a second chance
Two days earlier. In Mr Edward's office, Mark almost went mad calling everyone on his contact list. As he looked for ways to get Melissa back, David
Using Baby Daddy For Revenge Revealing the truth
"I only used Mr. Steven to get close to your family. I'm the one who got him fired so he could come to work for your father. With the close friendship
Using Baby Daddy For Revenge The revenge
When Melissa opened her eyes, she glanced from the blue bed sheets to the grey painting on the wall. With her hands and feet tied, she looked around t
Using Baby Daddy For Revenge You are all mine
Driving from Edward's mansion with her brother, Melissa got a message from Sasha. She asked to meet at a hotel a few miles out of town for some interi
Using Baby Daddy For Revenge Blooming love
Seated in the office at the steels company, Melissa smiled remembering the wonderful places they visited over the weekend. The family of three took ro
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