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Vampire King's Little Killer
LoveLiveLust Completed
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A dark romance, vividly grotesque, morally questionable, fate-defying, vampirically induced tale of happily ever after. With a little bit of dark humor, of course. **** Tessa was one of the best assassins for hire, she lives for the thrill of the kill. The blood of her victims never tainted her subconscious. Until one day there was a threat to her life. Tessa was doomed. She had been busy with her lust to kill that she didn't get to live a normal life, after all, she was a psychopath. Fun fact: Psychopaths are almost incapable of truly loving another. *** The Angel of Death, that was what they called him. Nero Severus Xerxes was a vampire King who was among the oldest. One day Nero was faced with the most beautiful woman with a strange view of death. She even had a bucket list. As a vampire King who had lived a thousand lives her careless attitude intrigued him. Will Nero fall for her and resist all temptation and let her slip through his fingers because of her stubbornness? ...
Latest Chapters Contents 58 Chapters
Vampire King's Little Killer 58. Epilogue
Three months later Nero "He will cause trouble that spoiled son of yours," I grumbled after Emilian's bodyguard reported that once again the kid pla
Vampire King's Little Killer 57. A New Prince
Vampire cult: is an alternative lifestyle and subculture based around the mythology of and popular culture based on vampires. Tessa "Well, I guess I
Vampire King's Little Killer 56. Wanted
Loss: the state or feeling of grief when deprived of someone or something of value. Emilian I did not expect help from a stranger. Mom and I had bee
Vampire King's Little Killer 55. Decades later
Anomaly: something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. Tessa "Then there was Helena. It was more than two decades ago, I think
Vampire King's Little Killer 54. Harmless Fun
Jealous: feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages. Nero "I'm still not sure about sending him off with Vesper. Remind
Vampire King's Little Killer 53. Moving on
Docile: well-behaved, quiet, and easy to control. Lowell "I don't understand, why can't I go home?" It has been days maybe even more than a week sin
Vampire King's Little Killer 52. Being mom
Snitch: to secretly tell someone in authority that someone else has done something bad, often in order to cause trouble Tessa Days flew by easily wh
Vampire King's Little Killer 51. Second chance
Fated: be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way. Nero "You do know what they say about the couple who hunts together stays togeth
Vampire King's Little Killer 50. Vampire Bride
Bride: a woman on her wedding day or just before and after the event. Tessa My body felt like it's been hit by a ton of bricks. Every part of me ach
Vampire King's Little Killer 49. To Rescue a Queen
Rescue: save (someone) from a dangerous or distressing situation. Nero When I woke up Tessa was already gone, there was no note but I saw a text on
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