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Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series)
meikesnoeijs Completed
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When Lola gets the chance to participate in an experiment to win a million dollars she does not hesitate. All she has to do is insert herself with werewolf DNA and find out if werewolves still exist. Sound like a piece of cake right? In reality, she ends up in the middle of a mate hunt and gets claimed by Noah grey. The ruthless alpha of the Grey Oak pack. Lola has no intention of finding a mate and certainly doesn't let a man tell her what to do. But as she slowly gets accustomed to the werewolf ways, she discovers some dirty secrets hidden. She realizes that even for creatures from legends not everything is always as it seems. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 38 Chapters
Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series) Twist
Lola's pov, Lola reluctantly opened her eyes wondering what woke her up. Adrenaline immediately pumped through her body when she saw she woke up from
Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series) Love
Noah's pov, He could not believe what his little mate just pulled off. When he hurried to the stage, he expected to see one of the Alphas there to ex
Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series) Speech
Lola's pov, Lola had followed Noah to his meeting and listened to the conversation from the open window. Her hands got sweaty when the conversation q
Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series) Division
Noah's pov, Noah followed the man inside the main building reluctantly. He felt annoyed that they interrupted his moment with Lola. She looked like a
Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series) Moon festival
Lola's pov, It was the day of the moon festival a couple of weeks later. The normally quiet village was buzzing with sounds. Lola walked through the
Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series) Wake up call
Lola's pov, Lola woke up the next morning feeling happy and rosy. She stretched her body and yawned loudly before getting up from the bed. Noah's pla
Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series) Shower
Noah's pov, Noah took off his clothes and turned on the shower until it was at the boiling hot temperature that Lola liked. Lola quickly got out of h
Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series) Training
Noah's pov, Loud whistles interrupted the kiss he was sharing with Lola and before he knew it they were surrounded by excited kids full of energy. He
Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series) Working together
Lola's pov, After thinking about it for a while she decided not to tell him. It would just stir up trouble for no reason. He would be mad at her for
Werewolves(Book 1 In The Legends Series) Romantic
Lola's pov, Lola covered her eyes and screamed, waiting to feel the simmering hot flames on her body. Time passed and she felt nothing. When she open
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