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White Wolf's Curse
Hope Wolf Completed
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Cass just wanted to finish high school and move on with her life. But then she is thrust into a new town by her parents. Not only that but she quickly finds out that she has a big secret that she didn't even know. When she finds out that her parents lied to her about her family history and that she will be turning into a wolf on her eighteenth birthday. How much more can she take? I guess she will find out. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 43 Chapters
White Wolf's Curse Chapter 43
Four hours have passed since the field incident. I am not calling it a killing. I can't think about it like that. Aunt Josephine kindly reminded me th
White Wolf's Curse Chapter 42
CASSANDRA I know what I have to do. Because he is a part of that family, I have to let my family know that the feud has to end. Justin kind of prepar
White Wolf's Curse Chapter 41
TREYTON I am crushed. She chased his scent, not mine. She didn't even know I was there. When I saw her all I could think was mine, she didn't even sm
White Wolf's Curse Chapter 40
CASSANDRA Aunt Josephine hands me this white sheet thing. At least it looks like a sheet. It's not, it's some sort of robe. Makes sense. They plan on
White Wolf's Curse Chapter 39
TREYTON She has been a shell. Two weeks and she just goes through the motions. There is no fire, no passion. It's like she is on lock down. Her birth
White Wolf's Curse Chapter 38
CASSANDRA Trey seems stiff the whole way to my house. I can't help it. I know he can't be my mate. I just don't get why he feels so strongly for me.
White Wolf's Curse Chapter 37
TREYTON I have waited all day to get this woman to talk to me. When she finally agreed this morning, I knew I wouldn't be able to focus on anything e
White Wolf's Curse Chapter 36
CASSANDRA I have been avoiding both men to make sure that they know they fucked up. They are both persistent though. They show up at my work. They bo
White Wolf's Curse Chapter 35
TREYTON Stupid fucking asshole. He ruined this night for me, I know he did it on purpose. I push him again. "This is your fucking fault." He only mov
White Wolf's Curse Chapter 34
We pull in front of the school gym. Several cars are already there, including mine. We slide out of his car and head in. I looped my arm through his.
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