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the victim of a bad boy
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He leaned in closer, if that was even possible, his spearmint breath fanning across my face. My breathing got caught in my throat as he lowered his mouth to my ear. "You can deny liking me, wanting me, but let’s face it- You’re like all the rest. You’re that good girl who so secretly but desperately wants to change me. All girls want to be the one that makes the bad boy change, they want him to change for them. So you can go around, acting like you don’t care about me, go ahead Bella, do that. But let me tell you this, I enjoy a good chase, and that’s exactly what you are. Cause Bella, I get what I want, and I want you." My full name is Bellatrix Annaliese Brown. Yeah yeah, weird name. Anyways, I am from London, England and moved here once before when I was sixteen. After being bullied, I moved back to England, where I was living with my Aunt till my parents decided I should come back to America for my senior year in high school. As you can see, I don’t have the best of luck, which I guess is why-I became the Bad Boy’s Victim. ...
PossessiveCampusGoodgirlBadboyTeen Fiction
Latest Chapters Contents 48 Chapters
the victim of a bad boy 48
I sighed, this was the price of being a drama queen. « Limmy ! I want to go on the swings ! » I turned to see an adorable little girl bound up the hi
the victim of a bad boy 47
« She never did anything wrong. » I said, trying to sound confident. « You sure about that ? You know you're talking about Bella, right ? The same gi
the victim of a bad boy 46
Connor fucked some girl last night- well, I guess she isn't some girl… They seem to have history together. « I-I-I… my, er… my cellphone. » I ended u
the victim of a bad boy 45
« Why are you crying ? » Liam asked once we were inside his car. I numbly stared out the window, refusing to answer him. 10 minutes later « Bye. » I
the victim of a bad boy 44
« Hey Bella ! I've been looking for you ! » Jess cried out, pushing past a bunch of wasted, dancing, teenagers. I managed a weak smile as she stopped
the victim of a bad boy 43
« But she cheated ! » He complained once more, glaring at me. I winked at him, pulling my top down slightly, just to piss him off. And it worked… a l
the victim of a bad boy 42
« And ? » I asked, impatient. « And ? Why are you talking to him ? Are you trying to get Connor mad again ? » I stared at him, completely confused.
the victim of a bad boy 41
« Don't forget that date you owe me ! » He called out loudly. Like, REALLY loudly. I whirled around to glare at him as he laughed, jogging back to his
the victim of a bad boy 40
1 hour and a half later « That's some serious shit. » Jess said after a moment of silent. I laughed and leaned back on the couch. « Tell me about it
the victim of a bad boy 39
I pulled over and let loose. I dropped my head to my hands and sobbed. Everything was happening so fast, I was completely frazzled, which I guess is w
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