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My Ex's Billionaire Dad
Nora laid in her bed in her college apartment and listened to her roommate and best friend try to coax her out of her room for the umpteenth time but she couldn't bring herself to bother. She stared at the walls of her room and remembered the day her life turned upside down...

A week earlier

"Come on Jess, please come to the mall with me, I really need to do last minute shopping for Jake's surprise birthday"

I blinked my eyes cutely at my best friend who has been adamant to help me.

"Nope not happening, am not helping with anything that has to do with Jake. I don't like him and certainly won't be getting myself involved in his birthday."

She replied fully focused on her phone. I sat on the couch next to her resting both chin on my palms in order to fully focus on her.

"Please Jessica, I'll buy you lunch" She looked at me for the first time in ten minutes. And instantly her eyes popped up in excitement.

And that is my best friend right there, you can get your way with anything as long as you offer her food.

"Is it a restaurant of my choice ?" She asked. "Definitely sweetheart."

"I want Chinese."

"You wish, you only get a hundred bucks nothing more."I said sternly.

She groaned, "Fine I'll go get dressed."

"Hurry up!"

She scurried away yelling how it will only take her few minutes to get dressed.

Jessica walked out minutes later with a pair of jeans and a flowery crop top.

"Alright let's get going" she said.

It's the middle of July here in Boston and extremely hot. I had worn a simple free gown myself.

We spent the next two hours browsing through aisles, picking everything and anything I could think of. After paying for our goods we grabbed lunch.

Jessica had offered we go to the park where we got an ice cream and just enjoyed the view.

The day went by pretty fast and soon we were back in our apartment.

Jessica won't stop talking about how good the meal was.

Jake's birthday wasn't until tomorrow so I just had enough time to sort through the things I bought and then plan the decoration.

I went to bed with all smiles on my face knowing tomorrow is going to be even better.

My alarm woke me up at exactly 7am. I woke up with joy and decided to give Jake a call.

He picked up on the third ring.

"Hey babe, good morning" I said in my own end of the phone.

"Good morning" he replied casually.

"I called to ask if I could come to your place this evening."


"Is 8pm okay by you ?" I asked.

"Well have got some work to do and won't be back until past 8 or so. Is there something you want ?" He replied.

"Alright, that's fine was just asking so I can stop by later, let me know when you get home."

"Okay, Bye"

"Bye. Lo..."

He ended the call before I could say love you.

Sometimes I understand why Jess doesn't like him. Deciding not to let anything dampen my mood, I set my activities and as the clock struck 12 I left my apartment and headed for Jake's.

He probably thinks I forgot his birthday but that's part of the surprise.

I have the keys to his house and I'm gonna go make all the preparations before he gets back tonight

I let myself into the house and kicked start my big surprise.

As soon as I arrived, I set about putting the decorations in place. I hummed to myself as I carefully frosted the chocolate cake, my mind filled with anticipation. I had planned everything down to the last detail: his favorite meal, the perfect playlist, and a heartfelt gift that I knew would make him smile. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he walked through the door.

Jake and I had met during our year at college, bumping into each other in the library of all places. I had been frantically searching for a book on European history to study for a test while Jake was lounging in a corner, reading a sci-fi novel. Our accidental meeting led to coffee, then dinner, and became friends, soon enough a relationship that has lasted for 8months now. We spent every single minute we could with each other. I love Jake's sense of humor, his kindness, and the way he made me feel cherished. I had envisioned many more birthdays together, many more memories to be made.

As I set the cake on the kitchen counter, I decided to send Jake a text since it was already past 7.

"Hey love when will you be home ?" I pressed the send button and seconds later his reply came in.

"In an hour."


"Yeah, you can be on your way by 8:00."

Well that isn't so bad have got an hour to freshen up and get dressed and also do a final touch.

I turned off the light to conceal the decorations before walking into the bedroom.

My phone rang and thought it was Jake wanting to tell me something but saw the name that flashed on the screen, Emma.

I sighed and picked it up

"Hey email, what's up?"

"Hey sis, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Why did you call ?"

"I really need to speak to you, could you spare some time for me." I sighed, a slight frown marring my excitement.

"I'm at Jake's can't it wait?"

"No it can't, please Nora it's important"

"Fine, meet me at Jake's apartment and you've got thirty minutes he'll be back by 9 and I need you gone before then"

"Sure, thanks sis"

I ended the call and sighed.

Emma had always been the wild one, getting into trouble and dragging me along for the ride. But family was family, and I couldn't say no. The history with Emma is complicated. We had never been close, even as children. Emma was bold, impulsive, and always seemed to crave what I had. Whether it was my clothes, friends, or attention, Emma wanted it. The rivalry, though unspoken, had always simmered beneath the surface.

Right from when we were just teenagers she never missed an opportunity to compete with me and make me look bad. I wonder what she's gotten herself into now.

My phone rang pulling me out of my thoughts and I smiled. It was jake.

"Hey, you on your way yet?"

"No, not yet. I got caught up with traffic and I won't be home for another hour"

I bit down on my disappointment

"Ok then I'll see you by 9?"

"Yea 9 is perfect"

"Alright" he ended the call.

Well that gives me enough time to freshen up and talk to Emma. I headed to the shower to freshen up. I came out the shower and slipped on my halter neck chiffon gown and afterwards applied a bit of mascara on my lashes and some lipstick. I swept my hair up into a messy bun and smiled at my reflection.

Minutes later, I heard the front door creak open and close. "Jake?" I called out, wiping my hands on a towel. There was no answer. If it were to be Emma she would need to knock.

Curious, I walked towards the living room and turned on the light from the switch closer to me. And instantly I froze in my tracks. My heart stopped, and the world seemed to tilt on its axis. There, on the couch, was Jake, locked in a passionate kiss with Emma.
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