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A fake girlfriend for the CEO
Anne Mon Completed
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To get rid of his mother and his family, Daniel Crawford has to find a fake girlfriend. Tired of always being organizing blind dates with women who do not interest him, he will have no choice but to get a temporary girlfriend to go unnoticed by everyone. Only then will things calm down, because that's what he believes. Audrey Turner is about to turn five years working at the Crawford Company, as a secretary to the presidency; she has a monotonous life that she easily got used to and does not want to leave. However, the day comes when your entire environment unexpectedly changes, both at work and in your personal life. Audrey won't know what to do when she gets her new boss, because those two have already met before, and it wasn't in a pleasant way. Despite that, he will make her a proposal, which she will not be able to keep avoiding for so long. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 23 Chapters
A fake girlfriend for the CEO Epilogue
Six months later. It's been a few months since Daniel and I reconciled. We had sex several times that same night, of course not at my parents' house
A fake girlfriend for the CEO Chapter 76
AUDREY He dips his tongue inside my mouth, pushing and looking for mine. He is so passionate, I had wanted so much for him to kiss and touch me again
A fake girlfriend for the CEO Chapter 75
AUDREY My mom and I are cooking dinner while a Whitney Houston song is playing on my music player. My mother is a fan of her music, I really like it
A fake girlfriend for the CEO Chapter 74
DANIEL "What does this mean? "I reply annoyed, but not with him, but with me for not having known earlier. But if she didn't tell me how would I kno
A fake girlfriend for the CEO Chapter 73
DANIEL It's been almost a month since she left and even though I've counted every day since that time, I didn't do anything to stop her, I just let h
A fake girlfriend for the CEO Chapter 72
AUDREY "What? "Exclaims Nelly extremely surprised. "Why are you going to do that? have you gone crazy in case? I am looking for the most appropriate
A fake girlfriend for the CEO Chapter 71
AUDREY The sound of the doorbell ringing at my apartment takes me away from what I was doing to go and open. I don't know who's on the other side, I
A fake girlfriend for the CEO Chapter 70
AUDREY I head down to the ground floor and make my way to the exit to leave the building. My steps echo against the shiny beige tile. Nelly catches u
A fake girlfriend for the CEO Chapter 69
AUDREY We are alone now. What do I do, what do I say? Should I start talking and clarify things about Jon? I'm tired of that topic, but there are sti
A fake girlfriend for the CEO Chapter 68
AUDREY "This woman was yelling and insulting me before you arrived," the witch speaks up ahead of her husband. "Sarah," her husband calls her, "Go b
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