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Chasing His Ex-wife
True love
Nia Tessy Completed
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"I will give you an interest of one million dollars once we regain our lost glory," Nelly promised. "Really? Are you the only one who doesn't know my net worth?" Ivan questioned. "Fine. What do you want, Ivan?" "Marry me." Nelly Stratford was forced to approach her sworn enemy, the proud Ivan Landers, to beg for money. Their family business was dwindling and her father was in a coma. The money to foot the hospital bill was not in sight. Left with no other option, she accepts his marriage proposal. Nelly spent the next one year proving her worth. She did everything to please Ivan because she had fallen in love with him but his heart was far away. He only loved a certain girl who saved his life seven years ago. Ivan told her to her face that he would never love her. Two weeks later, he came back to the house he shared with her. He saw the divorce papers she left him alongside the ring he gave the girl who saved him seven years ago. Pain and regret burst out in his chest, but this time, he couldn't find her anywhere. When she returns, its not for love this time, but for vengeance. Will she succeed or will she let her love for Ivan take the upper hand? ...
True loveSuspenseRevengeLove TriangleBillionaire
Latest Chapters Contents 100 Chapters
Chasing His Ex-wife Chapter 100
Was it Karma or was the universe on her side? She received the news with mixed feelings. She was happy that he was finally paying for his evil deeds b
Chasing His Ex-wife Chapter 99
Nelly was in her father's room with Emma the following morning. She was looking for any document related to work that could help her in what she wante
Chasing His Ex-wife Chapter 98
Ash shook his head, indicating a negative answer. There was nothing else in the phones and they had also completed the task they laid down to help Nel
Chasing His Ex-wife Chapter 97
Somewhere in a part of the town was this popular family who didn't bother about the news. In fact, it was the least of their worries. That was the Lan
Chasing His Ex-wife Chapter 96
Frankly speaking, Ivan had not even the faintest idea that he was going after Stratford group all these while. He only followed his grandfather and di
Chasing His Ex-wife Chapter 95
Nelly stood in front of the imposing towers of Vintage Company again. She remembered the first time she was here. That was over five years ago when sh
Chasing His Ex-wife Chapter 94
Aria finished her story with a simple sentence. "Forgive me. I was jealous and I agreed to his instructions. Moreover, I had to save my father. Pleas
Chasing His Ex-wife Chapter 93
Nelly shook so hard that the tray of food in her hands fell, broke and the contents was spilled. She slumped to the floor and wept. Her lovely father
Chasing His Ex-wife Chapter 92
Nelly went impromptu to her father's company as planned. She went straight to the accounts department and asked for the financial reports of the compa
Chasing His Ex-wife Chapter 91
Daisy spoke up. "I want to know everything about myself. I want to know my father, my roots and all. Mum isn't saying anything to me." "What is it t
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