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Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire
Omaisabella@ Completed
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"You came to me, you initiated the whole thing that led to my being dis-virgined. I promised my grandma that until I get married, I wasn't going to share my bed with any woman, but you came along and forcefully took me to bed. You seduced me, you took my virginity, therefore you have to marry me." On the night of a heartbreaking discovery, Rayne is forced into giving her first time to a handsome stranger, one she never thought she'd be meeting afterward, but after she woke up with a ring on her finger, she shockingly finds out she is now the wife to one of the city's eligible bachelors, Eric Arnold, a Domineering Billionaire. ...
SuspenseLove TrianglePossessiveBillionaireRomance
Latest Chapters Contents 120 Chapters
Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire Reunion And Epilogue
Reunion: RAYNE'S POV Finally the day I've long awaited was here. I got up with a joy filled soul as I danced around happily. Today I get to be off
Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire Getting Married
Getting married RAYNE'S POV "Rayne." I heard Eric's Voice I looked up and saw him walking in. "Are you okay?" He asked me as he leaned forward to m
Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire Got Her
Got her Eric's POV The door to my office flung open and Bianca and Sarah bagged in. "We need to talk, it's about Rayne." She said immediately she g
Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire Expose Him
Expose him SARAH'S POV It's been over a week now and I had kept the secret all to myself avoiding and fighting the urge to spill it out at any momen
Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire Kidnapped
Kidnapped RAYNE'S POV It's been over a week now I started doing the investigations and just like I thought it wasn't easy because I wasn't allowed t
Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire Helped Me
Helped me RAYNE'S POV It all felt like I was locked in a locker, everywhere was dark and I couldn't move a muscle. I heard voices but the voices wer
Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire She's Awake
She's Awake!!!. FRED'S POV It's been a month since and some weeks Rayne has been in Coma and everyday I prayed she gets well. The doctor has been a
Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire Not Guilty
Not guilty BIANCA'S POV After the incident that made Rayne run out and had never returned Eric haa completely ghosted me and had nothing to do with
Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire Lost Her
Lost her ERIC'S POV It's been more than a month now since Rayne left and I haven't gotten any information of where she is. She leaving me was the w
Married To A Powerful Domineering Billionaire Awake
Awake. FRED'S POV Angrily driving down from the office at full pace, I wasn't even concentrating as my mind was still on my father's words. How can
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