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My contract love story
Eddiewritesbooks Ongoing
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Orphan girl Ashleigh Hartman is a rather ordinary girl working as a cleaner at a company owned CEO Adrian Calgari with aspirations to study and make a better life for herself. A turn of events sees her getting married to the domineering CEO for six months in order to find the truth of her birth. How will she navigate through this marriage? ...
Latest Chapters Contents 36 Chapters
My contract love story Chapter 60
Ashleigh spent the rest of the weekend deep in thought. By Monday, she was still torn between reaching out to Alexander for help with Adrian or decidi
My contract love story Chapter 59
"Now that I see you, it makes sense why he's like that," Alexander remarked, studying her with a reserved gaze. "What makes sense? Did you meet Adria
My contract love story Chapter 58
As the sun began its ascent, its warm rays crept through the ward room's window, casting a soft glow over the space. Ashleigh, nestled on the couch, s
My contract love story Chapter 57
"This is not Megan, sir. This is Ashleigh Hartman. Megan's currently in the hospital." The gentle yet firm voice cut through the room, casting a palpa
My contract love story Chapter 56
Ashleigh's heart pounded as she sprinted through the dimly lit underground parking lot, her breath coming in sharp gasps. She'd seen Megan and those t
My contract love story Chapter 55
"I told you clearly that we're going to the club tonight. Why did you dress like it's a picnic at home?" Arthur asked, his gaze fixed on her through t
My contract love story Chapter 54
Ashleigh walked away from the previous day's events without realizing that by the next morning, she would be the talk of the department. It was Saturd
My contract love story Chapter 53
"Alana's family closely mirrors mine, but with a far broader network. Her grandfather served as the vice chancellor of the college in his early days a
My contract love story Chapter 52
The next morning, Ashleigh awoke to the sound of phone buzzing as Professor Patel announced the final scores for the test. Alana and her group had lan
My contract love story Chapter 51
Ashleigh smiled and replied, "Thank you." Alana then grabbed Cameron's hand, signaled to the others at the back, and turned to leave. Samantha and Di
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