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Sold to the Ruthless Master
Cara Completed
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The story is all about a girl who got sold to the Ruthless se*x m@ster to pay his father's Debt. ...
MafiaGoodgirlSad loveBadboyTrue love
Latest Chapters Contents 50 Chapters
Sold to the Ruthless Master Chapter 50(THE END)
Lily's Pov The Next morning. I woke up very late in the morning and I realized that Lucian isn't on the bed. "Huh?" "I'm right here, I'm not runni
Sold to the Ruthless Master Chapter 49
Lily's Pov "He open the car door for me after I've instructed my driver to go back home. "How have you been?"He asked almost coldly and I sighed. "
Sold to the Ruthless Master Chapter 48
Lucian Pov My face went sour immediately I and he sighed. "Hey, calm down bro, he's the reason why you're still breathing" "I hope he's back there?
Sold to the Ruthless Master Chapter 47
Lily's Pov "No, don't do that Lily, I'm sorry"I said trying to hold her but she fred me hands away. "I'm sorry, I can't cope"She said sniffing and w
Sold to the Ruthless Master Chapter 46
Lily's Pov I got to the house later in the evening to prepare Lucian dinner but I met Mariam preparing it already. "Hi"I greeted as soon as I got to
Sold to the Ruthless Master Chapter 45
Lily's Pov After a long while, the doctor came out beaming with smiles and I became relaxed a bit. "It's the correct antidote, but the antidote is q
Sold to the Ruthless Master Chapter 44
Lily's Pov We got to the prison yard and I quickly step down the car. "Hey wait"Daniel yelled as I start running and I stop on my tracks panting. "
Sold to the Ruthless Master Chapter 43
Lily's Pov We got to his room and I break down again when I saw the oxygen placed in his mouth. "Lucian"I whisper as I walk towards him, he look so
Sold to the Ruthless Master Chapter 42
Bethany Pov I pour the whole poison into the drink and shake it well and place it on the tray before going to his room. I met him quite busy with hi
Sold to the Ruthless Master Chapter 41
Lily's Pov "Master"I stutter in shock and he scoffed. "I'm sure you didn't want me to shred your dress" "I... I will undress now"I said quickly and
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