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Stuck With The Four Hotties
Sirenlee Completed
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At my old school, I saw the effects of bullying firsthand; I felt them. I felt them in ways I can never forget, never erase. My heart begins to thunder in my chest, and my palms grow so sweaty I have to put down my fork. Heat rushes through my body, and it feels suddenly hot, like I should take off my jacket and loosen my tie. Tristan’s fixing the buttons on his white first year shirt as he makes his way over to me with long, confident strides, his hair glossy and raven-black, his mouth too dangerous to be tempting. My fingers curl tight around the side of my book bag and my heart races, sweat beading at my temples. Bullies don’t quit until circumstances force them to. It’s the nature of the beast, and humans are the worst animal of all. For the moment, I’m drawing a blank, but give me time, and I’ll work it out. There’s a reason I got chosen for this scholarship, and it wasn’t my ability to roll over and take it. No, I’m a fighter, always have been. I just think I’m going to have to fight harder than I ever have. ...
RomanceAttractiveBeautyPossessiveLove Triangle
Latest Chapters Contents 302 Chapters
Stuck With The Four Hotties 302
Tristan is going to say no, and he's going to walk away, and that'll be the end of all this. Not every story wraps up in a beautiful package at the e
Stuck With The Four Hotties 301
My eyes blur, and grief rackets through me in a painful wave. It's like getting hit with lightning … over, and over, and over again. For a few minutes
Stuck With The Four Hotties 300
I guess that means … he was willing to overcome his fear to rescue me? "Back the shit off my girlfriend," Zayd says, his graduation gown long since d
Stuck With The Four Hotties 299
I don't think I honestly and truly believed it until just now. Our feet skid on the gravel as we double back around the building, heading past the br
Stuck With The Four Hotties 298
"What are we doing here?" I whisper, my voice hoarse with worry for Charlie, and now, for myself, too. I can't help my dad if I'm dead, now can I? The
Stuck With The Four Hotties 297
If we had to wait for an ambulance from town, it'd be over an hour before they'd get here. Because of the size of the event, the academy was required
Stuck With The Four Hotties 296
While the junior orchestra takes up Pomp and Circumstance for the second time that day, Ms. Felton and a horde of academy staff including Mr. Castor,
Stuck With The Four Hotties 295
Pretty damn proud of myself for that one. "I know," I say, letting Zack fold me in another hug. He's so damn good at them, I can't resist. "I know he
Stuck With The Four Hotties 294
It feels like I might never breathe again. Until … I do. Everything comes to a stop, but not like the storm has passed, more like I'm in the eye of
Stuck With The Four Hotties 293
But I'm not meeting his demands, and I'm tired of being hit. Send me the file, would you? I'm going to email it to his new wife." I nod again, and Tr
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