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The CEOs Possession
F.C.N.S Ongoing
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When Veil Hart finds herself in an entangling twist with the play boy CEO 'Ander Rodriguez' she can only choose between saving her father's life, or letting him go. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 34 Chapters
The CEOs Possession Arrested
Time seemed to be taking all year to go by because even though it felt like hours already to Anders, they had only started on the second course. He th
The CEOs Possession A Long Night
"Are the lights dancing?" Veil's speech sounded slurry, and she thought she was going to topple right off the chair. She couldn't remember how many sh
The CEOs Possession Lies
Anders brought his car to a halt in front of Sophia's house, and for the umpteenth time, he wondered why he had agreed to do this. Spending the night
The CEOs Possession Worries
Veil asked the windows to be rolled down and she reveled in the feeling of the cold air caressing her face. She put her hands outside the car, her fin
The CEOs Possession Presidential Duties
Veil was distraught for the rest of the day, as every moment kept popping up in her head. She kept thinking there was something she could possibly do,
The CEOs Possession Absolutely Nothing
Anders would have asked whoever it was by the door to get the fuck away, so he could continue from where he stopped with Veil. But the trance was brok
The CEOs Possession I Want
Veil stared at Anders like he was a crazy person, and he couldn't even blame her. He was sitting in front of her, proclaiming that he wanted her to be
The CEOs Possession You're Anything I Want You To Be
For every step that Simon took that brought him closer to Anders' office, Veil wished she had telepathy each time. Perhaps, if she lived in some fanta
The CEOs Possession You'll Anticipate It!
Veil didn't know how to feel as she walked back into her office. As her heels echoed on the tiled ground, her heart thumped in perfect synchrony, maki
The CEOs Possession Luck!
Simon raised an eyebrow at Veil, as she folded the paper and put it back in the package. She blinked at him, and an awkward silence followed. Now, Sim
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