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The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave
True love
Alphamini Completed
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Logan is a vampire prince who finds out her mate when he comes to select some maids from the servants who work under them. Many people tried to separate them by trying to kill her but she got saved every time. When Erica, his mate comes to know about her true self of her being the queen of all the creatures, her past comes to separate them. Will they be able to face all the troubles that god made them face and come out of it and have their happy ever after? And what will happen when she meets her long-lost twins? ...
True loveFantasyVampireAdultSupernatural
Latest Chapters Contents 90 Chapters
The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave Sequel
Here are the heart Vampires and the slave sequences and their blur. Here is the tree chart of the Elwood family: Ellwood Family tree 1. Zack Ellwoo
The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave Epilogue
(5 years later) (Erika P. O. V) "Jared, please stop. Lord, please help me," I stop panting I am a vampire but still, my kids give me hell to catch t
The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave Crowning ceremony of Avis
(3rd person P. O. V) After 2 months Avis and Ankho come back from their honeymoon and work under Erika and after 1 year and 6 months, they decide tha
The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave Avis wedding
(3rd Person P. O. V) The day after tomorrow is Awis and Ankho's wedding and so Erika has decided to talk about the kingdom with her brother knowing t
The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave Announcement and Vows.
(Erika P. O. V) We dance for some more time and enjoy it for some time. Dad walks to the stage, takes a mike from the Dj, and draws attention. "Now
The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave Crowning Ceremony And Birthday Party
(1 month later, Erika P. O. V) "Good Morning Birthday, girl," Logan said kissing my head. "Morning," I said yawning and stretching my hands up in th
The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave Admission of Alisha in the school
(Next morning, Erika P. O. V) I wake up at the cry of my kids and look at the clock to see it's 6:15 in the morning. I walk to their cribs, feed them
The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave Shocking news and good news from Aana
(Erika P. O. V) (2 days later) I can't believe Dad just said that. Okay so let's start from the beginning. It has been one month since I and Logan
The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave Wedding reception
(Erika P. O. V) "I love you, Logan" " I love you more, Erika. I love you so much that it hurts. You make me the happiest person in the whole univers
The Cold Heart Vampire And The Slave Wedding ceremony (Logan P.O.V)
(Logan P. O. V) I was standing there like a nervous wreck. I couldn't keep my hands and legs from shaking. I was so tense yet very excited at the sam
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