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The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge
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David and Arianna’s life is full of hell as Mrs. Jonathan’s family lives with misery and hardship after Jane (David’s sister) decided to take revenge on Arianna after she denied her the chance of getting married to the man that she truly loves. But what Jane doesn’t know is that the man that she dearly wants to marry is actually one among the family enemy for years that have been causing a lot of atrocities inside the family for quite a longtime now, the atrocities that has cost Mr. Johnson family’s lives. With all of Jane’s effort to help Alex on accomplishing taking their revenge, What Jane doesn’t know about his boyfriend Alex is that, he has a longtime plan that he wants to execute inside his family, the plan that someday could ruin up everything someday including her. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 50 Chapters
The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge Marcella's Visit.
Nothing can frustrate a person more than having his or her commitment violated without official communication or knowing whether the individual intend
The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge A fist fight
A fist fight The moment of tension surrounding outside of Mrs. Johnson's house as Edward is outside of the house with the anguish burning inside his
The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge David in Trouble
David in Trouble. As the maids are inside the house doing some of their chores. Marcella is inside her room preparing herself to go out of the house
The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge Edward's Confrontation
Everybody at the sitting room is quite depressed after the releasement of horrible news concerning Arianna and her marriage after she got accused for
The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge Edward's Meeting
In life there is a moment of sadness that every single person can experience throughout his or her life. But sometime these kinds of moments can occur
The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge Arianna's Divorce
The tension inside Mrs. Johnson's house is intense as everyone is looking at Arianna with anguish feeling burning inside their hearts. The anguish tha
The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge Arianna on Trouble
The sun is setting down in Austin city into a sunset, as the clouds are moving around the sky as the night approaches in the evening with the raising
The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge A Case Report
The day that fills with a lot of movements inside the police station, as the police officers are moving around the police station while other people a
The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge The Diamond Necklace
The clothes are thrown everywhere inside Mrs. Johnson's room while some are laying down on the floor of the room, and others are on the top of the bed
The Quest on Billionaire's Family Revenge A meet up
The sun rays are casting on the windows glasses, emitting the light inside Alex's room as the room is filled with so much darkness from the inside on
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