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The Rejected Mate
JK Bartolome Completed
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For a werewolf to find a mate is very difficult. There are many obstacles standing in their paths - not the least of which is that they are surrounded by humans that they have a hard time relating to and that have a hard time relating to them! Many werewolves go a long time without finding a mate. But how did the ones that did find one do it?When a werewolf comes across their mate they can sense it. They feel an inexplicable urge to be near the individual. There is something compelling about the individual. They want to know everything about him or her. They want to spend time with the person. Inside, the werewolf will feel a sense of knowing they've found the right person, and they'll no longer feel quite so alone. Everything will feel right, happy, and complete when they're with their mate. this is what they say about werewolf mate.but what if your mate rejected you?what will happened next? ...
Latest Chapters Contents 33 Chapters
The Rejected Mate Epilogue - what's next?
EPILOGUE It's been three years since I become Luna of Moon Crescent pack. Many things have change here. Specially to me. I become obsess of finding
The Rejected Mate Chapter 31 - Ending and Beginning
It's been one week since Danna and Kisha died. We try to find the girl I saw but we can't get information about her. She seems doesn't exist in this w
The Rejected Mate Chapter 30 - A witch?
We waited for hours but this girl they talking about hasn't arrive yet. I was tied with silver chains and I can't break it with my human strength. But
The Rejected Mate Chapter 29 - The third person
I feel something wrong. Claw and I feel that there's simething different. I don't know how or why but we feel somehow bothered. I tried to contact Ang
The Rejected Mate Chapter 28 - The Luna Ceremony
We stay here at the wolf Fang pack for almost three days. Every day, my love for Gabriel get stronger. I see how he try to be helpful to the people he
The Rejected Mate Chapter 27 - A broken soul
I was right. Mark is here. I can feel him inside the cave. He told me about this secret place of him, a month after he accepted me in this pack. He to
The Rejected Mate Chapter 26 - Seven years ago at Wolf Fang Pack
Seven years ago, at Wolf fang pack. "Alpha, Mario left the pack with your sister." Kayden reported. "What? Why would he do that? Call everyone. Foll
The Rejected Mate Chapter 25 - Slade Angel to the rescue
"I love you." I woke up hearing those words again. I don't know if I heard it right. I'm too exhausted last night. I smile as I remember what happene
The Rejected Mate Chapter 24 - Mature content!!! MATES
"Angel you're in h-heat. I can smell it. We need to be home now before other unmated wolf smells you." Gabriel says. Oh shit! Not now…. ***** Gabri
The Rejected Mate Chapter 23 - A date turns into disaster
We arrive at the pack at four in the afternoon. I hurriedly went to my room and take a long shower. I even shave for god knows why and waited for Lani
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